I Hate Satellite -- TODAY N/A


Feb 23, 2005
Georgetown, ME
Display Name

Display name:
Harley Reich
Satellite Internet, that is. All in all, HughesNet has worked well for me, no cable being available here on the island. But TODAY: I was uploading 72 FULL images to my photo lab(in Texas). I hit the Start button at 3:15. While the upload was ongoing I did outside work, "harvesting" more rocks for my expanding rock wall.
Then it got dark. The upload finished at 11:20. Spike's Bo could have come up to get them in that amount of time.

But it was a very good day. Five of my 16 x 20 photos are now hanging in an upscale restaurant in Bath; and seven other 16 x 20 photos are to be on display in another upscale restaurant in Brunswick. Additionally, I've been asked to have a one month exhibit in The Morrell Room of Curtis Memorial Library, Brunswick, which recently underwent a several million $$ expansion. So, in view of the day's good points I'll stomach the slow HughesNet. Here's hoping I'll have need of more orders of those 72 images.

Oh, and the restaurant in Bath, when I took in some brochures, told me that there are two customers, each of whom want to order a 16 x 20 of one of the shots on display. The day could have been worse; well, it was in a way.
The Skyhawk is out of commission, as of yesterday, for Annual.

Doesn't HughesNet run all it's downloads via satellite, but the upload via 56k phoneline or something like that?
Doesn't HughesNet run all it's downloads via satellite, but the upload via 56k phoneline or something like that?

Naw. Now it's two way, but it the backchannel is the same speed as dial-up or worse. It's time shared with the whole hemisphere. Harley would have a more reliable connection for uploads with dial up.
That's awesome Harley, congrats! (All but the internet part, of course).
Doesn't HughesNet run all it's downloads via satellite, but the upload via 56k phoneline or something like that?

The techies amidst us may correct me but, if I'm not mistaken, HughesNet is the only satellite operation which receives and transmits via satellite, not requiring a land line for operation. I have no land line, only the cellular(AT & T) phone. I sure miss the wide-band I had(in spite of Comcast) before I moved to Georgetown.

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Ooh! Ooh! (and thanks). It could get even better. About 1.5sm distant from photo #1(Wiscasset), and right on very busy(particularly, in summer) U.S. Route #1, sits the other photos locale. The operator to-be of the new restaurant saw me taking pictures yesterday. Shall we say, "We're in discussion about possible photo enhancements for the restaurant's interior decor." He's examining my portfolio.



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DSL(Verizon) is available in some spots down here. However, Verizon sold out Maine, NH, and Vermont to Fairpoint Communications. Fairpoint had to bow to Public Utility Commission requirements that high-speed cable service will be expanded into areas without cable service. The transfer of equities has gone through but it may be quite some time before Fairpoint lives up to its agreement. And they've been taking considerable heat because of e-mail problems of subscribers. Also, they're telling me I'm about 200' beyond the closest "box." Oh, the thrills of living on a private road, on a hill, and in the trees. :o)
