My father and his wife were killed when the car he was driving struck a pole and burst into flames. I was 19.
Don't lecture me about drunk driving -- but don't equate premeditated murder with drunk driving, either.
Drunk Driving is potentially murderous -- as is speeding, running stop signs, failure to signal, passing in a no passing lane -- the rest.
Each is a scourge, each is destructive -- but Wagstaff is in no way equal to Simpson, period.
You called her a "worthless drunk."
She was stupid, and is paying the price. Fortunately for her and any victim there was no collision.
Wagstaff made huge contributions to aviation by performing at the highest levels and winning -- often -- in a game that was largely male.
Many, many people have ruined years of achievement in one alcohol-soaked night. That indiscretion does not make them "worthless."