I got an official letter from the State Department of Transportation


Taxi to Parking
Feb 6, 2007
Land of Savages
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They said that it (my State airplane registration) has to be carried in the aircraft at all times. After having to sign a statement affirming that I am not a terrorist, I think I will carry it in the aircraft placed down by the rudder pedals. I would stash it on the seat, but I wouldn't want my bum to get that dirty.
They said that it (my State airplane registration) has to be carried in the aircraft at all times. After having to sign a statement affirming that I am not a terrorist, I think I will carry it in the aircraft placed down by the rudder pedals. I would stash it on the seat, but I wouldn't want my bum to get that dirty.

Okay, so whose gonna check the 'yes' boxes off to see what happens just for sh*ts and giggles.

I think every owner in Ohio ought to check off the yes just to keep them busy....just amazing, absolutely amazing.

PS - I better curtail my animal rescue flights cause I'm gonna be in the same boat as Ted soon. Illegal transport of canines across state lines....sheesh.
This line is just tooooo much:

[FONT=&quot]Have you hired or compensated a person you knew to be a member of an organization on the U.S. Department of State Terrorist Exclusion List, or a person you knew to be engaged in planning, assisting, or carrying out an act of terrorism?[/FONT]

Umm...hey Linda Sue.... Did we compensated anyone last year?


How about the year before?


Okay, so whose gonna check the 'yes' boxes off to see what happens just for sh*ts and giggles.

Lol, when I filled out my last yellow ATF form 4473 I asked the gun shop owner if any one ever answers the are you a fugitive etc questions with a yes answer. He sighed and said that he's seen more than he cared to admit.

I guess if criminals can be honest (and dumb) why not terrorists? :D
Your state is like my state - run by morons.
You know what? They just may be smarter than you think..

Sign that, and they don't have to convict you of actually being a terrorist - all they have to prove is that a couple of your bucks made it to some organization on an ever expanding list and they can convict you for making false statements and score a "victory" in their attempt to look like they are preventing terrorism...
They said that it (my State airplane registration) has to be carried in the aircraft at all times. After having to sign a statement affirming that I am not a terrorist, I think I will carry it in the aircraft placed down by the rudder pedals. I would stash it on the seat, but I wouldn't want my bum to get that dirty.
If only they would have had such a law in Texas today, a tragedy may have been averted!
If only they would have had such a law in Texas today, a tragedy may have been averted!

Nah, the guy wasn't a terrorist. Form didn't have a box to check for *******.

A DHS spokeshole is now calling him a terrorist.

I find it odd that a guy trained in Yeman, by a group we are at war with, tries to blow up a commercial airliner and he gets a lawyer and is considered a criminal. A citizen, fed up with the government, crashes his plane into an office building and he is a terrorist. Hmmmmm. :rolleyes:
Well, if every person in the US who is pi$$ed at the Govt is to be considered a terrorist, then they should just open the White Pages! They will be a bit busy chasing that list down!
A DHS spokeshole is now calling him a terrorist.

Well, he was. Domestic terrorist, just like Timothy McVeigh. Doesn't mean he's Al Qaeda. But he had an agenda, a plan, and carried out a violent attack on innocents. That's a terrorist.
Okay, so whose gonna check the 'yes' boxes off to see what happens just for sh*ts and giggles.
Heard a story along that line. Guy was filling out an application for a security clearance, and there was a question: "Have you or any member of your family ever attempted to overthrow the government of the United States?"

He thought for a moment, and checked the "Yes" block.

It apparently worked its way up through the bureaucracy, never raising a ripple. Finally, just before approval, someone noticed.

Instant meeting in a locked room. "Why did you answer 'yes' to the question about you or any member of your family attempting to overthrow the government?

He told them, "My great-great grandpappy fought for the South in the Civil War."

They subsequently changed the question to read, "Have you or any member of your IMMEDIATE family..."

Ron Wanttaja
Heard a story along that line. Guy was filling out an application for a security clearance, and there was a question: "Have you or any member of your family ever attempted to overthrow the government of the United States?"

He thought for a moment, and checked the "Yes" block.

It apparently worked its way up through the bureaucracy, never raising a ripple. Finally, just before approval, someone

Instant meeting in a locked room. "Why did you answer 'yes' to the question about you or any member of your family attempting to overthrow the government?

He told them, "My great-great grandpappy fought for the South in the Civil War."

They subsequently changed the question to read, "Have you or any member of your IMMEDIATE family..."

Ron Wanttaja

CLASSIC!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
A DHS spokeshole is now calling him a terrorist.
Well, he was. Domestic terrorist, just like Timothy McVeigh. Doesn't mean he's Al Qaeda. But he had an agenda, a plan, and carried out a violent attack on innocents. That's a terrorist.
Yep, agree completely.

So, a Muslim major who posts Islamist internet messages sympathetic to the Taliban shoots up a military base while yelling Allah Ackbahr, that's a crime, not terrorism. (Dept of Justice, DoD, DHS have all not defined that as a terrorism attack).
An Egyptian walks up to the ElAl ticket counter at LAX and shoots a bunch of Jews, and it takes DoJ a year to say it "fit the definition of terrorism".

A nutjob white male American flies a plane into a building, it's a terrorist attack within the day.
A DHS spokeshole is now calling him a terrorist.
Actually, as a Texan, I kind of view him as being one - seeing how he came here from the foreign land of California...:eek: Really wish he'd of stayed there. Stinks to have had that happen.

So, a Muslim major who posts Islamist internet messages sympathetic to the Taliban shoots up a military base while yelling Allah Ackbahr, that's a crime, not terrorism. (Dept of Justice, DoD, DHS have all not defined that as a terrorism attack).
An Egyptian walks up to the ElAl ticket counter at LAX and shoots a bunch of Jews, and it takes DoJ a year to say it "fit the definition of terrorism".

A nutjob white male American flies a plane into a building, it's a terrorist attack within the day.

They all qualify as terrorists IMHO.
I find it odd that a guy trained in Yeman, by a group we are at war with, tries to blow up a commercial airliner and he gets a lawyer and is considered a criminal. A citizen, fed up with the government, crashes his plane into an office building and he is a terrorist. Hmmmmm. :rolleyes:
If he had survived, I'm sure he would have been read his rights.
They said that it (my State airplane registration) has to be carried in the aircraft at all times. After having to sign a statement affirming that I am not a terrorist, I think I will carry it in the aircraft placed down by the rudder pedals. I would stash it on the seat, but I wouldn't want my bum to get that dirty.

Too bad PA doesn't do this... may have saved Ted 40 minutes.

See I signed this paper I'm not a terriost, you don't need to search my plane. :mad2:

If he had survived, I'm sure he would have been read his rights.
This America, that is what is supposed to happen and in every case of a terrorism where we have captured the person we have done the same. Are you suggesting that we throw out Constitutional rights in this case for some reason? I would be interested in hearing why.
Well, he was. Domestic terrorist, just like Timothy McVeigh. Doesn't mean he's Al Qaeda. But he had an agenda, a plan, and carried out a violent attack on innocents. That's a terrorist.

But what demands did he make? Who/what organization is left to receive this demands?

Definition: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

So again...a singular individual, with no ties to any organization that can continue to foster fear or violence, commits a singular act on a group does not, in my mind, constitute terrorism. We have got to be REAL careful labeling anything and everything with that term.

Now, if you said he was affiliated with the United Front of Anti-tax Citizens, a known violent organization that kills IRS/government personnel and will continue to do so, fine, but a singular person, a singular event, as an act of revenge? Nope...not terrorism.
Definition: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

So again...a singular individual, with no ties to any organization that can continue to foster fear or violence, commits a singular act on a group does not, in my mind, constitute terrorism. We have got to be REAL careful labeling anything and everything with that term.
Sounds like he met the requirements of the definition you posted for being a terrorist. What part of your post did you not understand? :rolleyes:
Now, if you said he was affiliated with the United Front of Anti-tax Citizens, a known violent organization that kills IRS/government personnel and will continue to do so, fine,

You would think so.

Gordon Kahl and the posse comitatus organization were never labeled as a terrorist organization.
Scott....I read the whole definition. Crap man...if you want to do that, then the first time I bowed up to someone else on the dance floor to "intimidate" them so I could impress the girl would make me a terrorist.

All I am saying is that we bandy that label around all too frequently today. I applied the rest of the definition and the real-world understanding of it, that there was no agenda in this beyond revenge due to anger. Now...if bombings were done with letters of demand trying to force the IRS into doing something I would be right with ya....but I just have a hard time calling this a terrorist attack.
Scott....I read the whole definition. Crap man...if you want to do that, then the first time I bowed up to someone else on the dance floor to "intimidate" them so I could impress the girl would make me a terrorist.

All I am saying is that we bandy that label around all too frequently today. I applied the rest of the definition and the real-world understanding of it, that there was no agenda in this beyond revenge due to anger. Now...if bombings were done with letters of demand trying to force the IRS into doing something I would be right with ya....but I just have a hard time calling this a terrorist attack.
It is a semantic issue. I can see your point, but I can also see that labeling him a terrorist does fit the definition. I am just saying that you cannot argue that the definition does not allow someone to label him as thus. This guy is not unlike the abortion clinic bombers, Tim McVeigh or even Capt. Underpants. His motivation was political change through violence. To me, that makes him more of a terrorists than say the VT shooter.
All I am saying is that we bandy that label around all too frequently today.

Because it exempts the person using it from thinking and it allows the user to expand his sphere of importance and power.

Mentally unstable man commits suicide. State health department and NTSB are investigating.


Act of domestic terrorism under investigation by the Department of Homeland Security.
Because it exempts the person using it from thinking and it allows the user to expand his sphere of importance and power.

Mentally unstable man commits suicide. State health department and NTSB are investigating.


Act of domestic terrorism under investigation by the Department of Homeland Security.
Something to think about is that there are groups of people in this country right now who are saying the same things that this guy stated in his manifesto. Is this mad man's act a canary in the coal mine warning that a fringe political group is planning and capable of an violent over throw of the government they claim to be corrupt, ineffective, and overbearing? I am sure that there are people asking this very question and trying to figure out how to answer that question.

the WSJ today label this guy as a "tax rebel"

Interesting label don't you think? Anyone else you know these days fancy themselves a tax rebel and is hanging around with a bunch of other so called tax rebels?

hmmm: http://teapartyrebels.org/
Something to think about is that there are groups of people in this country right now who are saying the same things that this guy stated in his manifesto.

Yeah, most of them are at the Wardman Park Mariott this weekend :D
Do they actually have the legal authority to require this?
Something to think about is that there are groups of people in this country right now who are saying the same things that this guy stated in his manifesto.

Interesting regurgitation of the Huffington Post, but linking this crackpot to the tea Party movement is a bit of a stretch.

From Stack's diatribe:

Why is it that a handful of thugs and plunderers can commit unthinkable atrocities (and in the case of the GM executives, for scores of years) and when it’s time for their gravy train to crash under the weight of their gluttony and overwhelming stupidity, the force of the full federal government has no difficulty coming to their aid within days if not hours? Yet at the same time, the joke we call the American medical system, including the drug and insurance companies, are murdering tens of thousands of people a year and stealing from the corpses and victims they cripple, and this country’s leaders don’t see this as important as bailing out a few of their vile, rich cronies. Yet, the political “representatives” (thieves, liars, and self-serving scumbags is far more accurate) have endless time to sit around for year after year and debate the state of the “terrible health care problem”. It’s clear they see no crisis as long as the dead people don’t get in the way of their corporate profits rolling in.

The recent presidential puppet GW Bush and his cronies in their eight years certainly reinforced for all of us that this criticism rings equally true for all of the government.

I remember reading about the stock market crash before the “great” depression and how there were wealthy bankers and businessmen jumping out of windows when they realized they screwed up and lost everything. Isn’t it ironic how far we’ve come in 60 years in this country that they now know how to fix that little economic problem; they just steal from the middle class (who doesn’t have any say in it, elections are a joke) to cover their asses and it’s “business-as-usual”.

The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.

Sounds more like a Left Wing loon than a right wing Tea Party activist..
Sounds more like a Left Wing loon than a right wing Tea Party activist..
maybe if he had flown his plane in Morgan-Stanley, but into the IRS? I thought the left wing loved taxes as part of their redistribution of wealth plans? The IRS would be their alley would it not?