Hurricane Nate took my power away


Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 1, 2015
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10:15 CT and power just went out. Very windy and moderate to heavy rain. Might be a good day to go get in some crosswind practice. Airplane availability should be good. :D
try to finish any liquor stored in or near the fridge. as a hurricane precautionary measure, of course.
10:15 CT and power just went out. Very windy and moderate to heavy rain. Might be a good day to go get in some crosswind practice. Airplane availability should be good. :D

I trust you have lots and lots of battery backup so you won't go into internet withdrawal?
try to finish any liquor stored in or near the fridge. as a hurricane precautionary measure, of course.

Thanks eman! Great advice, didn't even think of that. No one will be at the airport either so I'll take a few with me.
Mostly just light to moderate precip here. No loss of power yet! :fcross:

Very rare to lose power here. Funny thing though. My daughter has a friend who works for the power company, and after the power came back a power co. truck pulls up front, and I see a black guy get out. Oh hell it's Byron! Pretty considerate to stop by. He and his family usually come over to party and swim in the summer and they're good folks. A tree fell across a couple of lines about a 1/2 mile down the street. He said, well off to another call! Calls are $$$ signs to him!
Bright blue skies, temps in the mid 70s and gentle winds here in northwest NM.

Hope you guys in the path are staying safe.
Hmmm . . . Drove from E. Tenn. back to Lower Alabama today, stopping for lunch in Cullman then picking up the interstate. It was a little breezy after lunch, but saw no obvious damage, and experienced no significant rainfall, mostly drizzle. Good thing, too, since it was the British Motoring Club heading nome with few air conditioners and a couple of vehicles whose owners have the optional (plastic sliding) windows that must be installed for use.

At home, only a few leaves down, and lots of pine straw blown around . . . .
Wasn't bad, just rain and wind. No power for 7 hours but sat out on the porch and read some Steinbeck, "East of Eden".
Snoozing in the lounger with a book covering your nose is technically not reading.