I think I can visualize this now.
I went sailing with a Meetup group on a 30' Catalina just to try it out. Also, I was on the verge of signing up for a sailing expedition/vacation and wanted to make sure I would like it (it's coming up soon now). The first time I looked in confusion at all the ropes (oops, I mean lines) going through pulleys every which way. The vocabulary was pretty incomprehensible. I made the mistake of telling them I was a pilot, so they assumed the knowledge would transfer easily. "Is it like flying?" Um, no. It seems like there are way more controls and variables. But I'm sure its all in what you're used to. Now I have been sailing with them 6 or 7 times and pretty much understand the rigging and how to be a newbie crew. I'm going to take a course this spring after I get back from that expedition/vacation.
My first time sailing was about fifteen or more years ago. I was in Denmark, for business and over the weekend. My frien and colleague asked if I would like to go sailing with his brother who was an avid sailor. I said "hell yes, thanks!" What I didn't know was it was a regatta, or as I knew it, a sailboat race, his boat had a crew, I protested that I was totally ignorant of sailing, but they said it was ok, I was to mainly be ballast. I figured, possibly cocky, that I was at least smart enough to throw my weight around when and where ordered.
We actuall won, for our category (his wasn't a racing sailboat, so there were more winners in categories than just fastest over the line). His brother the sailor who owned the boat was possibly being divorced because (sound familiar to any pilots out there?) all he did, thought about, or dreamed was sailing.
I felt like as I moved from one side to the other, I got an understanding watching them rig each phase. One thing I had never dreamed of was the difference, tacking into the wind was COLD, breezy, folks had on windbreakers etc. and round the buoy and off with jackets and shirts, hot as hell and totally wind still as we sailed with the wind (but as noted, not with direct tailwind) I a fast clip.
So I always wanted to try it. Finally found a used boat, it has a mainsail and a (I think it has several names but...) spinnaker? Or foresail. Or jib. 14'.
First time out we didn't use the forsail just the main. We could have also just used the jib.
It was incredibly fun. Still, I'm focused on flying now. But the basics of sailing are much easier. To me it seems like it is not difficult to be able to sail, the art of it I think comes in using the wind to best advantage. THAT can take a very long time.