If you want to maximize the use of the app, training is strongly encouraged (and I'm not just talking about button-ology or learning the meaning of the various icons or colors used in the app). But some of the training described below isn't specific to the WeatherSpork app. You can apply it to whatever service you currently use to get your preflight weather...including calling 1800WXBRIEF. When I do a live workshop I use my website/app as teaching tools to better understand how to minimize your exposure to adverse weather.
I have about 80 bite-sized workshops that are included with the subscription (they can be viewed on avwxworkshops.com or within the app). They cover a wide range of topics that include some of the weather forecasts you'll find in the imagery in WeatherSpork. You can view some free ones
here. Besides the live workshops, I do offer one-on-one online training. Because the app is so deep in what it provides, this is perhaps the best way to learn about weather, albeit, not the cheapest. Members receive a discount. I also offer
premium workshops that delve deeper into the weather topics and those include a videotaped recording of a live workshop I held in Fort Worth two years ago as well as another one I held in Charlotte a year ago. They require a separate purchase, but once you own them, you retain access to them even if your membership expires. As already mentioned, there are many YouTube videos out there that are more recent and show how to use the WeatherSpork app in context of preflight planning. And I've got dozens of
magazine articles available as well, freely available to anyone. So, live workshops are not the only source of training.