Final Approach
Just the right age for flying today.
Dont make it even worse.But are the digits on that shirt drawn to the left or to the right?
do you just add a "9" every year?Never been a problem for me.
The shirt became old enough to vote two years earlier.
View attachment 72386
50. Which is still younger than most of the airplanes I've flown.
The year in the photo, there was going to be a fly-in on (not for) my birthday. We were at the destination for the weekend but the weather that day was not that great. The only other folks who made it were two Marines from a nearby base. We had lunch and it was a very sobering thought the shirt was older than you just add a "9" every year?
Andy is already married
A lot of us 60’ers voting but not commenting. A Zen thing I suspect.
39... just bought my first “all my own” bird and I said to the gf, some guys buy a corvette about now, I bought a 72 yr old
You're only as old as who you feel. Which is why I only go after 25 year olds.
I never thought I would wish to be older in order to qualify for medicare. But I do now. I have 3 1/2 more years to go.65 and starting all the medicare and SS stuff.
A bit over $1600 A year for me.I never thought I would wish to be older in order to qualify for medicare. But I do now. I have 3 1/2 more years to go.
62 going on 26
Speaking of the hearing aid thread... It's been a while since PoA has had one of these and I'm curious if the demographic has shifted at all.
I'm .6 times the age of my airplane1.733 times the age of my airplane...
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Wow, that bell curve looks fairly symmetric.