I happen to think that we are in the best time ever for individual US light aircraft ownership: plentiful and capable used aircraft at reasonable prices, generally increasing acceptance of owner assistance by A&Ps and IAs, wider availability of parts from many suppliers that has driven prices down (e.g. new cylinders bought on-line), portable electronics making a simple, bare-bones equipped VFR aircraft more practical for going places, more practical and better E-AB aircraft than before, supported by better kit manufacturers, and Avgas prices holding at reasonable levels.
That said, the common thread through most of the above is involvement... If your wish is a hands off consumer flying experience, the game has changed from 1970s-Everyman renting a new and shiny C172 to the modern counterpart being a wealthy sole owner flying his Cirrus with high dollar dealer maintenance. The rules of flying for 2020-Everyman have changed and so has the type of person who can and/or will play. Personally, I'm happy to be much involved with my aircraft and happy to be doing it in a period when I think it is better than ever before.
That said, the common thread through most of the above is involvement... If your wish is a hands off consumer flying experience, the game has changed from 1970s-Everyman renting a new and shiny C172 to the modern counterpart being a wealthy sole owner flying his Cirrus with high dollar dealer maintenance. The rules of flying for 2020-Everyman have changed and so has the type of person who can and/or will play. Personally, I'm happy to be much involved with my aircraft and happy to be doing it in a period when I think it is better than ever before.
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