<excuse the venting>
I've been off-on-off-on looking since 2003 (SEL/160-200 hp). Umpteen military moves didn't help, but that's all "part of the program," suitable for a different thread. *Finally* in a good cash spot to get serious (not inclined to finance an airplane) - started shopping TAP/Barnstormers and ... HOLY SMOKES! - You want HOW MUCH for a 196x/197x C172 with a run out motor and cooked radios?! Price of entry, insurance, and hangar availability are REALLY making this a challenge for a regular guy these days. Did I miss something or did GA silently 'boom' when I wasn't looking? (I would certainly embrace that, but I'm not seeing it from my chair)
Don't get me wrong - I'm grateful I'm still employed, and I have been known to be "mistaken" many times. Just ask any one of my wives
<venting over... I need some prayer time>