Briar Rabbit
Line Up and Wait
Maybe notorius is too strong an adjective but aluminum wiring can fail more frequently when compared to copper in an underground application.I'm not aware of any listed conduit that is made from polyethylene. PVC is about the only thing out there.
What are the dangers of aluminum wiring?
The biggest danger with aluminum wiring is that fire hazards occur from the oxidation and deterioration caused at the termination points. This can cause overheating and arching that will trip a circuit breaker, but can also cause a fire.
I have never had a fire but definitely have had aluminum wire in underground applications that had to be replaced when it failed. Poly may not be approved for conduit in some codes but not all underground wire is buried in conduit. And where it is not required by code I use poly to facilitate additional wiring needs for the future or wiring replacement in addition to preventing rodent issues.
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