Hmm never though of this...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 1, 2015
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Watching the Packer game and commercial w/ Richard Sherman, where one of the things he said was....

"blah blah's wife ran off with his first wife"

Which begs the question (maybe not :dunno:) what would you do if it were your wives? eman you're up, 'Dog you're next lol.
Watching the Packer game and commercial w/ Richard Sherman, where one of the things he said was....

"blah blah's wife ran off with his first wife"

Which begs the question (maybe not :dunno:) what would you do if it were your wives? eman you're up, 'Dog you're next lol.
"I always thought the ***** was a bit lez..." and "I guess she really did want to use that strap-on"
lol just noticed your disclaimer Clark, funny.
That happened to a friend of mine after almost 20 years of marriage. Not a happy ending for her.
I think I'm safe. But if my wife did want to run off with another woman, I'd let her go as long as she let me check out the goods first.
I think I'm safe. But if my wife did want to run off with another woman, I'd let her go as long as she let me check out the goods first.

here ya go, dog.......

I think I'm safe. But if my wife did want to run off with another woman, I'd let her go as long as she let me check out the goods first.
Uh. The scenario here is wife two ran off with wife one. Your wives. If you ain't checked out the goods yet that may explain some things. Yeah, yeah, I know you just said 'another' woman. Had to get that in though
Uh. The scenario here is wife two ran off with wife one. Your wives. If you ain't checked out the goods yet that may explain some things. Yeah, yeah, I know you just said 'another' woman. Had to get that in though

Well the current wife would need to leave me first and then I'd have to get remarried for that scenario to even have a possibility of happening. And I doubt if I'd ever remarry.
That's gotta build your confidence.
I dunno...have a party? Start measuring the garage for the RV-14?
Dunno - I knew a guy on marriage number "whatever". He seemed to think it was easier to take if the wife ran off with another woman than another guy, because then it wouldn't be because there was some guy that was better'n him.
I know a guy that ran off with another guy. Was married for 10+ years and had two kids with his (then) wife. Next thing she knows is that he's playing for the other team, moves in with his new boyfriend and doesn't want a thing to do with his family. To this day, as far as I know the two never speak and he's out of the picture. Sad for the kids' sake. True story.
I know a guy that ran off with another guy. Was married for 10+ years and had two kids with his (then) wife. Next thing she knows is that he's playing for the other team, moves in with his new boyfriend and doesn't want a thing to do with his family. To this day, as far as I know the two never speak and he's out of the picture. Sad for the kids' sake. True story.
Yeah, I forgot about a neighbor of ours, years ago in our old neighborhood. They had a couple kids, and she was out shoveling he driveway. I finished mine and went across the street to help her. She just needed one side cleaned off, but I did both for her. Turns out she only needed one side done because her husband had just run off with another guy. That was tough on her and their girls.
Yeah, I forgot about a neighbor of ours, years ago in our old neighborhood. They had a couple kids, and she was out shoveling he driveway. I finished mine and went across the street to help her. She just needed one side cleaned off, but I did both for her. Turns out she only needed one side done because her husband had just run off with another guy. That was tough on her and their girls.
Sad. Some things I'll just never understand.
I know a guy that ran off with another guy. Was married for 10+ years and had two kids with his (then) wife. Next thing she knows is that he's playing for the other team, moves in with his new boyfriend and doesn't want a thing to do with his family. To this day, as far as I know the two never speak and he's out of the picture. Sad for the kids' sake. True story.

That is definitely sad for the kids. But sometimes a person goes deep into adulthood before they get their sexuality all figured out. I've known a few people that way before, both male & female. It's too bad when it isn't handled well by either side of the former relationship and people are hurt.
Yeah, I forgot about a neighbor of ours, years ago in our old neighborhood. They had a couple kids, and she was out shoveling he driveway. I finished mine and went across the street to help her. She just needed one side cleaned off, but I did both for her. Turns out she only needed one side done because her husband had just run off with another guy. That was tough on her and their girls.

Had a neighbor in TN and almost every day, shortly after his wife left for work, a guy would pull into the drive.

Just talking to the husband it seemed so obvious he was gay, so either his wife was just incredibly oblivious, in deep denial or it was a cover marriage.
I know a guy that ran off with another guy. Was married for 10+ years and had two kids with his (then) wife. Next thing she knows is that he's playing for the other team, moves in with his new boyfriend and doesn't want a thing to do with his family. To this day, as far as I know the two never speak and he's out of the picture. Sad for the kids' sake. True story.

Opportunity. ;) :D
[Another true story]

Shortly after receiving the final divorce decree I was talking to my ex-wife.

I asked if she had a boyfriend and she said she wasn't going to answer that.
I asked if she had a girlfriend and she said "NO!"

I told her she answered both questions. 3 months later she was remarried.
The comment that many don't figure out their sexuality until well into adult life is very true, I've seen it plenty of times. Or some people might figure it out but be in deep denial themselves, or just feel that they can't publicly state who they are from family or societal pressures. One friend of mine's dad figured it out (or came out, not sure which) after around 10 years of marriage. But he remained a good dad. His ex-wife I think had a hard time handling it (can't blame her).

I guess that comes down to "My wife left me for my dog, sure do miss that dog" country songs.
In the 80's when PC referred to an 8088, 80286, or 80386... so anything pre-pentium... it was not uncommon for a male to refer to himself as "a lesbian in a man's body."

Is that unacceptable nowadays, or does it mean something TOTALLY different?
The comment that many don't figure out their sexuality until well into adult life is very true, I've seen it plenty of times. Or some people might figure it out but be in deep denial themselves, or just feel that they can't publicly state who they are from family or societal pressures. One friend of mine's dad figured it out (or came out, not sure which) after around 10 years of marriage. But he remained a good dad. His ex-wife I think had a hard time handling it (can't blame her).

I guess that comes down to "My wife left me for my dog, sure do miss that dog" country songs.
I'm not one to judge by any means, but I'll never be able to figure it out for as long as I live. Glad I'm not the one in control.
In the 80's when PC referred to an 8088, 80286, or 80386... so anything pre-pentium... it was not uncommon for a male to refer to himself as "a lesbian in a man's body."

Is that unacceptable nowadays, or does it mean something TOTALLY different?

That was commonplace for males in high school and college, too. Of course, then you can get away with saying more things than you can in a professional workplace environment.

I think the answer to your question is both - society doesn't accept it as a joke, and it could also be taken to mean something different.

I'm not one to judge by any means, but I'll never be able to figure it out for as long as I live. Glad I'm not the one in control.

I think it's hard for most people to understand what they aren't. Anyone who's straight I think has a hard time fully understanding it. As a straight male, certainly I would never pretend to fully get it. But I did spend enough time studying psychology that I understand some of the mechanisms that can lead to a person developing as gay vs. straight or "a woman trapped in a man's body" etc.
I know a guy that ran off with another guy. Was married for 10+ years and had two kids with his (then) wife. Next thing she knows is that he's playing for the other team, moves in with his new boyfriend and doesn't want a thing to do with his family. To this day, as far as I know the two never speak and he's out of the picture. Sad for the kids' sake. True story.
Yeah, but he was "finding his true self". So he's a hero. The kids will come around, once they overcome their bias.
The comment that many don't figure out their sexuality until well into adult life is very true, I've seen it plenty of times.
What the h3ll does that even mean?
I think it's hard for most people to understand what they aren't. Anyone who's straight I think has a hard time fully understanding it. As a straight male, certainly I would never pretend to fully get it. But I did spend enough time studying psychology that I understand some of the mechanisms that can lead to a person developing as gay vs. straight or "a woman trapped in a man's body" etc.
Substitute Theology for your Psychology and it becomes a lot easier to understand. You don't have to twist your mind in knots to figure it out.