Hey you AZ. POA guys and gals. lets go flying.

Bob Bement

Pattern Altitude
Jun 27, 2005
Vale, Oregon
Display Name

Display name:
Bob Bement
I am up to a flight to Marana or up to Sedona for breakfast of lunch and a chance to meet some more of the pilots on this and the purple board. How about it anyone interested.
Marna is a little far, but if you are going to Sedona - I'll be there.
I might try to do both. My son and wife might fly with me to Sedona, and I have someone in Tuscon so I may make a flight to Marana also.
Marna is a little far, but if you are going to Sedona - I'll be there.

One of the best areas for flying I have been to. Ridge soaring, canyon snooping, amazing colors, prehistoric camp sites, and a butte mounted airport that can have nasty up and ddown drafts. Great flying in the Sedona area.
Yes I had a flight planned to SEZ Sedona on Sunday and called it off as the winds were predicted to be NE 14 - 20 G 31. My wife would not have enjoyed that at all. We will go another day.
My friend Gail S. Halvorsen lives down by Tucson in the little town of Amado. He is the guy they called the Berlin Candy bomber, in the Berlin Airlift of 1948-49. He flew C-54s into Berlin in all kinds of weather all winter long. He might drive up to Marana and chat with us.
We've got a hangar/fly out of AVQ, usually find somewhere to go over the weekend. Maybe we'll catch up with you all sometime.
We've got a hangar/fly out of AVQ, usually find somewhere to go over the weekend. Maybe we'll catch up with you all sometime.

First of all welcome to the blue board I see it is your first post and you are at AVQ. Well we will have to see if we wind up there or just where.
Thank you for the welcome. I'll check back to see if you all are getting together.
Good I will keep you posted, if we do it this weekend. What do you say Jerry do you want to fly down to AVQ for breakfast on Sat.?
My friend Gail S. Halvorsen lives down by Tucson in the little town of Amado. He is the guy they called the Berlin Candy bomber, in the Berlin Airlift of 1948-49. He flew C-54s into Berlin in all kinds of weather all winter long. He might drive up to Marana and chat with us.

Lordy me, I wish I was out there.

I could have a meal with a world-famous pilot, one whose acts of kindness and compassion, and whose use of an airplane for good, have made him a certifiable celebrity.

Plus, I could meet that guy who flew to Berlin, too.
Spike, you are one of the reasons I quit telling Lawyer jokes. I wish you could meet with us too.
I talked with my friend Gail S. Halvorsen aka "THE BERLIN CANDY BOMBER" and he can meet us at Ryan airport ( KRYN) on Saturday the 28th at 9:30 at the cafe on the field ( Todd"s Restaurant).