Heroics while flying?

John Baker

Final Approach
Oct 4, 2008
San Diego, California
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Display name:
John Baker
People who have done truly heroic things, rarely believe they were heroes.

My question for today is: Have you, or someone you know, ever done anything others considered to be heroic while flying?

I don't have any examples to warm you into this subject, but I thought it might make for some interesting reading.....if it gets going.

My question for today is: Have you, or someone you know, ever done anything others considered to be heroic while flying?
Obviously not myself, but my first flight in a Lear 35 and a number of subsequent ones were with this gentleman. He taught me a lot.

Part One

Part Two
People who fly Angel Flight are heros to the families whose lives are improved by their contribution of time, talent, and treasure. I bet there's a few of those around here...
Does mouth-to-mouth count? Even if I just told her it was required above 5,000' to maintain her oxygen level?
People who fly Angel Flight are heros to the families whose lives are improved by their contribution of time, talent, and treasure. I bet there's a few of those around here...
Doctor Bruce was on the board of Lifeline Pilots in addition to flying for them.