Help, need direction/advise for SSRI Initial (Active-Military)


Filing Flight Plan
Feb 8, 2017
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LONG story short-er,

I was restarting flight training after a major Hyades due to this thing called the military and a divorce. Trying to use my GI Benefits, and what not to go to school etc.... trying to get my commercial endorsement, teach civil air patrol cadets and hopefully do some bush pilot stuff and what not, so I asked about doing my First Class...

I was told by my initial exam... "Oh, you are on some Prozac" for minor-generic annexity note: I am a Military Firefighter.... they give that stuff out as much as Motrin in the military. I dont even see a mental health provider, just my primary medical doctor every blue moon.

Was told, not a big deal, its on the approved meds list, and that I just needed to submit some documents from my doc. Now that I just got my letter back, and tried to talk to a doctor in San Antonio for some direction and I am being told, gloom, and doom, lots of money and time to try to get this all sorted. From the documents I found from the FAA website, looks like I just need a Board Certified doc and Psychiatrist do make a small document/report... compared to the long rabbit hole this doctor whats me to go into.

So if possible, can someone just break down how bad of a situation did I just get my self into and what do I need to do to resolve it?

THank you in advance,
Look in this forum for posts made by @bbchien which is Dr. Bruce Chien, Then look at his signature line to find an email link, and send him your query via that email. (By the way, the email in his forum profile does not work, you need to use the one in his sig line.)

Dr. Chien, in addition to being extremely knowledgeable about how the FAA Medical system works, is also one of the 4 authors of the SSRI special issuance protocol. So he will definitely have the correct answer to what's going on, what happened that got you deferred and a letter from OKC, and what steps are needed to submit an application to the FAA that has a chance of being accepted.
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