Hello all

Hey Thrash!

This site rocks pretty hard....you've found the holy land of pilot stuff.

Holy land you say? Better start praying I guess...

Oh controller, who sits in tower
Hallowed be thy sector.
Thy traffic come,
thy instructions be done
On the ground as they are in the air.
Give us this day our radar vectors,
And forgive us our TCA incursions
As we forgive those who cut us off on final.
And lead us not into adverse weather,
But deliver us our clearances.

Welcome, Thrash. We have a few other here from PA, too. Pull up a chair and join in the mayhem!
Welcome! As someone told me when I first found this board "welcome to the great black hole of time". :smile:
Thanks for the welcomes everyone. I'm getting close to finishing my PPL, just have to do my cross country flights and a couple of other things and then my check ride.
Welcome and Congrats, keep up the good work! Keep us posted.