Helicopter XC


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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So I need to start planning my helicopter XCs. They are only 25NM in length as a minimum.

Gonna be leaving from 1C5, anyone have suggestions on where to go?

Personally I was thinking of KBMI so I could have lunch. Probably close to an 80NM XC than the 25NM. To me, 25NM is local flying. Heck I fly my airplane close to 25NM just to get to the airport to take a helo lesson!!! But FAA says I need the XC time. So you do what you gotta do.

Maybe I'll head over to Griffin-Merriville and give the Chinese student pilots a thrill of having to deal with a helo and get Mexican food while I am there.
The former Meigs field is exactly 25nm. Just make sure there's no concerts going on.
Make sure you don't fly over 500 feet, otherwise it ain't a helicopter x/c. :D
Not that it matters for your cross-country, but what kind of helicopter are you flying?