Happy Winter Solstice

As the days grow longer, the cold grows stronger.
Yesterday was the longest night of the year. I’ve wanted to get night current since my PPL, just cuz. Finally did it last night! Wow, that was just weird indeed, after years of daytime flying.
Yesterday was the longest night of the year. I’ve wanted to get night current since my PPL, just cuz. Finally did it last night! Wow, that was just weird indeed, after years of daytime flying.

Thread drift aleart: I usually wait until early July to get night currency. yup - poor planning on my part.
Someone noted yesterday, about the solstice, "The shortest day of the longest year happened on a Monday."
Anybody else watch the conjunction this evening? Pretty neat. Made me wish I had a decent telescope.

I have a couple. If you get one, it will guarantee that every cool astronomical event is also the night with the most clouds.