Happy Birthday...

Half Fast

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
May 7, 2016
Central Florida
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Half Fast
...to me!!

It seems the due date for my annual rolled around last week for the 56th time, and She Who Must Be Obeyed decided to commemorate the event with something aeronautical. I'm almost done with my Sport ticket (doing final prep & practice for the checkride) so she thought this would be a nice way to mark the birthday:


It won't be much use to me for flying (I have an inexpensive Casio analog/digital for that). I can only read the small dials and the E6B with my reading glasses and in good light, but as a piece of aero-bling I love it and am enjoying it. Everyone should have such a thoughtful spouse!
Happy Birthday!

Did you pass the annual inspection this year? ;)

Nice watch BTW!
Mine got me a Garmin pilot watch thingy last Christmas. I won't probably ever get rid of it because of who got it for me. Sentimental value, I suppose.

But you know what a Garmin aviation watch won't show once it determines you're flying?

The time. LOL.

Oh it'll show you speed, and heading, and GPS altitude and all sorts of useless stuff...

It'll even point you to the nearest airport if your panel fails and it can see enough satellites through the plexiglass...

But you'll have to fight your way through a menu at best, to find out how long you've been aloft by knowing what time it is.

ROFLMAO. Gadgets.
Mine got me a Garmin pilot watch thingy last Christmas. I won't probably ever get rid of it because of who got it for me. Sentimental value, I suppose.

But you know what a Garmin aviation watch won't show once it determines you're flying?

The time. LOL.

Oh, that's hysterical. Guess you need to wear a second watch when flying.

I have a Sunto for diving like that. Makes a great dive computer, can even be set for nitrox blends. But it doesn't show time of day once I submerge. I also wear a G-force when diving, anyway, and carry printed tables as a backup to the computer, but it still seems silly that a fancy watch/computer makes it such a PITA to check the time!
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...to me!!

It seems the due date for my annual rolled around last week for the 56th time, and She Who Must Be Obeyed decided to commemorate the event with something aeronautical. I'm almost done with my Sport ticket (doing final prep & practice for the checkride) so she thought this would be a nice way to mark the birthday:

View attachment 54557

It won't be much use to me for flying (I have an inexpensive Casio analog/digital for that). I can only read the small dials and the E6B with my reading glasses and in good light, but as a piece of aero-bling I love it and am enjoying it. Everyone should have such a thoughtful spouse!

Looks like She wanted you to have a happy birthday, TOO!

Love your nice metal landing calculator, too. :D