Happy Birthday, Marines!

All happened at the Tun Tavern right here in Philly.
Reminds me of a story about that first day. A Navy Lieutenant set up a recruiting station in Tun Tavern on that day. The first potential marine came by, and the Lieutenant proceeded to rip him up one side and down the other, impuning his birth, questioning his species, and claiming that the man had only appeared on Earth due to some high unlikely biological practices.

The Marine's first potential recruit stood there and took the abuse stoically. Eventually, the Navy Lieutenant pushed the roster over to him and said, "Wecome aboard, Marine. Grab a table in the corner, and the first round is on me."

The second potential recruit then stepped to the table. Again, the Lieutenant proceeded to rip him up one side and down the other, impuning his birth, questioning his species, and claiming that the man had only appeared on Earth due to some high unlikely biological practices.

The Marine's second potential recruit stood there quietly. Finally, the Lieutenant pushed the roster to him, and said, "Welcome aboard, Marine. Join the other man in the corner, and have one on me."

The second Marine dropped onto a chair next to the first Marine, took a long pull of his ale, and said, "Man, that Lieutenant is a real son-of-a-****, aint' he?"

The first Marine snorted and said, "You should have been here in the OLD corps, when I joined up..."

Happy birthday, Gyrenes!

Ron Wanttaja
<snort> Ah, the OLD (army/navy/coastguard/marines). Air force doesn't count, they haven't even hit three digits yet.
<snort> Ah, the OLD (army/navy/coastguard/marines). Air force doesn't count, they haven't even hit three digits yet.
As a good friend (ex-Army Ranger) puts it: "The Air Force is the alternative to military service."

Ron Wanttaja
The Marines were pretty cool to keep around the carrier. After all, who else is the skipper gonna use to polish the brass and decks in O Country? :D

Happy Birthday, Jarheads! I'm grateful for whatcha do!
The Marines were pretty cool to keep around the carrier. After all, who else is the skipper gonna use to polish the brass and decks in O Country? :D

Happy Birthday, Jarheads! I'm grateful for whatcha do!

Gyrenes said the only reason the swabs were aboard was so they would have somebody to dance with. Semper Fi.
Semper FI!!!!!

The navy really was GREAT at driving the ship to take us to where we needed to go.
Isn't that called a chauffeur? Ya, thats it. They are great at it.

Again, Semper Fi!!!!!!!!!

Mark B