Happy Birthday IEEE 802


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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March is the 30th birthday of IEEE 802 and we are celebrating that in Orlando this week. A free drink at the Wednesday social, a cheap shirt and an id badge holder for all those attending.

Let us pause for a second and salute those that have worked hard developing 802 technology that has enabled so many of us to waste time on computers


My favourite is always going to be the 802.12 subcommittee...a true solution to a disagreement about protocols, split off and form your own technologically superior, but still utterly unmarketable, group.

I too salute the 802 working groups...:sleep::sleep::sleep:
My favourite is always going to be the 802.12 subcommittee...a true solution to a disagreement about protocols, split off and form your own technologically superior, but still utterly unmarketable, group.

I too salute the 802 working groups...:sleep::sleep::sleep:
Let us not forget the IEEE 802.15 wars. Two groups of companies fighting for a year and half sometimes with violent bursts of screaming, only to decide in the end to not standardize anything.

Then there is my favorite, 802.20. A valiant effort to define broadband technology for wide area only to be the ground of some of the most interesting procedural battles I have ever seen in standards. The group actually made the front page of some business session when it was suspended, the working group chair removed, and lawsuits filled.

:sleep::sleep: for 802.20!
You kids with your new fangled iPhones and your YouTube... GET OFF MY LAWN!
But the best part is that they have the special IEEE 802 30th anniversary logo!!

Wow...they put a lot into that logo:

Wow...they put a lot into that logo:


It meets all of the requirements, was voted upon in the working groups and the executive committee decided to forward it for sponsor ballot with eventual approval by RevCom and then NesCom with publication happening in time for the birthday celebration. Luckily the working group started on this right after getting the PAR approved soon after the 20th birthday. :yesnod::yesnod:
Now you kids with your loud music and your Dan Fogelberg, your Zima, hula hoops and Pac-Man video games, don't you see?
Zima: Beer for chicks!

Didn't they start out with Zima, it was unpopular so they rebadged it Smirnoff Ice and now it's a bit hit?
March is the 30th birthday of IEEE 802 and we are celebrating that in Orlando this week. A free drink at the Wednesday social, a cheap shirt and an id badge holder for all those attending.

Let us pause for a second and salute those that have worked hard developing 802 technology that has enabled so many of us to waste time on computers



And it's the 25th anniversary of the first .com today...
I bet if I looked in the right drawer at home I could find one. :D

But not as easily as finding my slide rule.

Bonus geek points if it's a circular...

Trapper John

No bonus points. Pickett N4-ES double log rule. I can probably find the N600-ES that was two-packed with it, as well. My circular rules are my E6-Bs. :D