Guns, Hot Babe, Exploding Stuff...

I Want the gun she shot at the van.Actually i'd take any of them .
Dave G
Thanks for posting spike
That actually looks like fun!

I bet you'd never find all the bullets in the van.
Yes, maam. God bless America!
What's not to love about fully automatics weapons, hot chicks, airplanes, beer and Oklahoma. I love this place....:smile:
I noticed that the reporter looked a little like you, Tristan! :)

I was noticing that too! Now, if only you could add "airplanes" to the "Guns, Hot Babe, Exploding Stuff" list. That sounds right up her alley.

"I'm here in this P-51 where we're going to dive at Ted's Ford Excursion and shoot it up."

Wait, no, not MY Ford!
I'd go shooting with her anytime!

Huh! What did you say?
Had to watch this more than once and search the net for the next scheduled event.
While it is nice to share the shooting experience with other fanat (uh) enthusiasts in camos; once in a while, the macho side comes out and I like to shoot alone. <g>

Rambo Fires A .50 Caliber for real


Now how does a woman like that happen to be single (assuming as much sans wedding band)? :dunno::D
yea that looks like fun. we used to do stuff like that on a much more smaller scale out at my bosses house NW of Ames. I found that if i pulled the trigger at about the same time as everyone else, "I" would usually hit the target! :) had a little too much fun making dry ice bombs too.
You guys (and maybe some gals) would probably like a website I once ummm, heard about..... It was solely dedicated to women shooting full auto rifles in bikinis. Ahh, the recoil must have been interesting. Not that I actually watched it, more like "heard" about it somewhere.

The best combination of everything.

Add in flying and it'd be too much for mortal men.

The end was the hottest part. /drools
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I am wondering if she needs a new job, I may have room in my office, and some people call this work!
Thanks Spike!
And that's why some people want to do away with guns. They just can't stand watching people have that much fun. Great videos. Love that hot brass going down her shirt. Happened to me once years ago. I understand her reaction. :D :D :D
Someone should start a fly-in weekend where they give us ground attack aircraft and let us strafe stuff. Now THAT would be fun.
Someone should start a fly-in weekend where they give us ground attack aircraft and let us strafe stuff. Now THAT would be fun.

That would be fun! I was jazzed when I got to see aircraft shooting the hell out of R-6904B at night as I flew past. Couldn't see 'em until they started shooting! :yikes:
Ok.... I quit smoking years ago, but I REALLY feel a need for a smoke and some pillow time.

<sniff> Beautiful man. Just beautiful <sniff sniff> :redface: