Ground Rules for Hayden's Travels

Greg Bockelman

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Feb 23, 2005
Lone Jack, MO
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Greg Bockelman
Ok, so I inherited Hayden. What are the ground rules?

Thing is, I was interested in taking Hayden with me on an airline trip to Narita Japan, but I discovered there is no real diary of his travels that I am aware of. Yeah, there are bits and pieces scattered around several threads on PoA but as far as I know there is no one place one can go to see what he is up to. It was at that point that I sort of lost interest.

Someone should condense all of the "Where's Hayden" posts into one thread (maybe called "Hayden's Travels"). I am NOT that person. Anyway, he WILL get passed off at Oshkosh in a few weeks. :D
I was thinking that Hayden needs a logbook - That would make him a lot more interesting. :yes:
Well, yes. But more than just a logbook. Typical logbooks and their entries are really kind of boring. A diary with pictures is more interesting.
Ok we need a log book and a Sticky thread with Photos of all of Hayden's Travels. A thread just called HAYDEN or in the alternative a subforum for Hayden in Cool places to fly. But I'm thinking that one thread may keep it together better. Photos and a log book are a definite must!

We need to see where he has been
Who he was with
What type of plane he flew on
The distances he has traveled

Perhaps we can keep some sort of running tally of miles traveled and just keep adding all the miles and hours up. My guess is Hayden is going to have more hours in a given year than some POAers:D
Greg, I can account for two (2) periods of his life which he spent with me, with photographs of his (first) departure (stealthy), and (at least) descriptions of his second.

I bet we can reconstruct his adventures enough to make a record... and it's a great idea!
Grant. Thats exactly what we need. I'll make it a sticky. !!! Then those of you who have had Hayden please post what you have in the thread. If you have recently had Hayden wait a bit to post to give the folks that had him a while ago post chronologically.
Ok the Hayden thread has been made a sticky in Hangar Talk. Post all photos and writtings there!!
Ground rules for Hayden ususally include drinking and chasing girl nomes.

Air travel rules are: (I think)
GA is prefered but comercial is acceptable. However Fed-ex is a no-no.
Hayden attempts to make all PoA events: Wings, Gastons and 6Y9. Oshkosh is a bonus.
Additional flights around the country are good and hand off's inbetween events are encouraged.
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Missa's basically got it greg. use him to promote GA and POA anyway you can. If we can get him to the big three POA flyins every year thats great ( Wings FLYBQ, Gastons and 6Y9er) And any others as well. If you want him to go to Narita thats great too of course we want some cockpit photos of him mid pacific and flying on final :D.

Ground rules are pretty flexible. BTW if you take him to Japan you are responsible for all Visas and passport issues:rofl:
If you want him to go to Narita thats great too of course we want some cockpit photos of him mid pacific and flying on final :D.

That one is actually kind of hard to do, given sterile cockpit rules. We had a Captain get fired for shooting video footage on final not too awful long ago.