Great Day to Rip


Line Up and Wait
Jan 31, 2010
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Finally a break yesterday from the crap Wx and had to rip a little. Just some fun stuff.

You have to stop having so much fun,your making us jealous.
Always been fascinated by this type of a/c, just didn't have the stomach to progress beyond spins/rolls in a C150-172/Citabria. Almost needed a dramamine to watch the video.
Saw a Christen Eagle up close and apart for the first time yesterday; very cool!
sigh. one day....
But, please keep 'em coming!
Reply option 1: "You're going to kill yourself! Are you crazy?? That's insane!! Be more careful!!!"

Reply option 2: Awesome flying. Thanks very much for sharing the video with us.

I think I'll go with #2.
Anybody got an Extra 300 lying around they want to give away? :D

Man, watching aero makes me want to do it.

If I had the time, I'd probably start with an Eagle II or a Super Decathlon. They're big on the inside and fit these long legs good.
Anybody got an Extra 300 lying around they want to give away? :D

Man, watching aero makes me want to do it.

If I had the time, I'd probably start with an Eagle II or a Super Decathlon. They're big on the inside and fit these long legs good.

A model 12 will fit your long legs better :)
Maybe if the weather is good Friday I will take you for a ride. It says sunny and 70 in the forecast.
A model 12 will fit your long legs better :)
Maybe if the weather is good Friday I will take you for a ride. It says sunny and 70 in the forecast.

I'm game! :yesnod:

That's an awesome model of yours.

Mine is down with maintenance, so the timing would be perfect..
Love it! When I was twelve I got a ride in a Pitts S2 and have been in love with aerobatics ever since. Eventually I'd love to pick up an Extra.
Not a dedicated acro practice flight, and nowhere near as crisp as whifferdill, just a highlight reel from the transition training and checkout and few first flights as a newly minted Yak pilot.

Couple max-effort takeoffs, Spins, ballistic (non-competition) aileron rolls, barrel rolls, loop, overhead breaks.

This thing is a ton of fun (2200 lbs empty).

John, so do you fly acro with both hands on the stick like a proper Rooskie? :)
*sigh* I started too late in this whole aerobatics thing. I can't take negative G at all, and I'm really not good at positive G for long.

Still, I have fun with the simple stuff. Wish I had started 40 years ago!

Awesome flying...
just a highlight reel from the transition training and checkout and few first flights as a newly minted Yak pilot.

Couple max-effort takeoffs, Spins, ballistic (non-competition) aileron rolls, barrel rolls, loop, overhead breaks.

This thing is a ton of fun (2200 lbs empty).


Very smooth for "transition training!" I have about 25 hours in Yak 52s (primary training) and I'm actually surprised that someone just starting out in the plane could get it like you did… how many hours in the plane prior to that tape?
Very smooth for "transition training!" I have about 25 hours in Yak 52s (primary training) and I'm actually surprised that someone just starting out in the plane could get it like you did… how many hours in the plane prior to that tape?
Thanks, I work hard to fly smooth/well. Most of the acro in that video was cut from official transition flight #3, about 5 hrs in the front seat in type at that time (~10 hrs now but sadly no recent acro). I am actually focusing on formation training first, going to a 4-day clinic in Deer Valley next week. Should have Wingman card before I switch to acro focus in time to get a couple competitions in later this year.

~450 hrs total but I've flown around 40 different make/models including about 12 hours in the Extra 300L.

*sigh* I started too late in this whole aerobatics thing. I can't take negative G at all, and I'm really not good at positive G for long.

Still, I have fun with the simple stuff. Wish I had started 40 years ago!

Hey Jay- G tolerance is something must build AND maintain, regardless of age. If you had started this stuff earlier in life, you'd still need build and maintain that tolerance after time off. That being said, I guess individuals' general level of tolerance can vary. What physiological issues do you face with it?
Hey, a procedural question -

That looks like Siler City that you're working over. Do you call Flight Services and tell them you'll be do acrobatics so they can alert others about it? Or are we just looking out for the crazy Pitts doing unthinkable things over the airport?

I ask because once upon a time not so long ago I used Siler City as an alternate to Sanford for landing practice, especially during nice weekends. Sanford is so busy and it just keeps getting busier...
Hey, a procedural question -

That looks like Siler City that you're working over. Do you call Flight Services and tell them you'll be do acrobatics so they can alert others about it? Or are we just looking out for the crazy Pitts doing unthinkable things over the airport?

I ask because once upon a time not so long ago I used Siler City as an alternate to Sanford for landing practice, especially during nice weekends. Sanford is so busy and it just keeps getting busier...

Crazy Pitts? I hope you're joking. Are you asking if I issue a NOTAM? No. Legal acro is min. 1,500 AGL and I'm averaging more like 2,000 to 2,500'. I'm also monitoring the CTAF and advise approaching pilots of my activities, altitude, and position. I'm really not a factor for pilots using the airport. Airspace above 1,500 AGL above an airport is pretty irrelevant when it comes to landing and departing traffic. Not much different from the "practice area" the flying club uses. That's not NOTAM'd either. Does this address your concerns?
Crazy Pitts doing unthinkable things over the airport.

LOL! That's some funny **** right there.
What do you think Bryan Flynn? Is he just flying around the pattern doing rollers? LOL!
Crazy Pitts left downwind with 3 rolls and a hammer entering left base inverted with 2 loops and a snap on final. Going around.......