Governor signs ban on 100LL into law

State’s rights - right?

If a deadline for ADS-B hadn’t been set, its use still wouldn’t be widespread. Sometimes you need to give a deadline to the adult kid to move out to get them to move out.
Absolutely, each State has rights.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
So, how long will it take before the FBOs start calling up GAMI to get their orders in for G100UL ?

It does not require a huge stretch of the imagination to foresee a supply shortage resulting from a number of sites procrastinating the changeover in the hopes that the ban won't actually go into effect. Proactive ones may decide to get in front of it as risk mitigation.....or maybe not.
"Ok, need to get any important Cali sightseeing done in the next few years."

We just finished our Cali sightseeing - by Toyota (currently on our way home from a cross country road trip). Last fillup in Cali along I-5 was $6.19. Yesterday morning we filled up near Winslow Arizona along I-40 for $3.03. Looks like this morning in Santa Rosa, New Mexico will be $2.85. When we get home and I'm back in our Ercoupe I'm looking at $6.25 for 100LL (full service) - only a few cents more than some mogas in California.

There's a good chance that Cali avgas will be quite expensive.
So, how long will it take before the FBOs start calling up GAMI to get their orders in for G100UL ?

It does not require a huge stretch of the imagination to foresee a supply shortage resulting from a number of sites procrastinating the changeover in the hopes that the ban won't actually go into effect. Proactive ones may decide to get in front of it as risk mitigation.....or maybe not.
It won't be the FBO's but their fuel distributor that will make that call. And it won't be to GAMI but to the wholesaler that blends the fuel into the final product; GAMI will license the fuel producer to blend their patented product. The FBO's may pressure the fuel distributor, with whom they have a contract, to supply a 100UL product but, as long as they have a contract the distributor will be calling the shots.
State’s rights - right?

If a deadline for ADS-B hadn’t been set, its use still wouldn’t be widespread. Sometimes you need to give a deadline to the adult kid to move out to get them to move out.
That's right. It's the states right to limit what their citizens have access to, as long as it doesn't violate the constitution.

But for every good example of "setting a deadline", I can provide a bad example of it that's far worse.
Can't wait to see what FBO's in California will be selling their unleaded aviation fuel replacement for. Guess there will be pickups with covered beds and large tanks driving back and forth to Nevada and Arizona for the monthly 100LL run.

How long before California starts monitoring GA airports for illegal refuelings? LOL

Wasn't it Thomas Jefferson said "The government you elect is the government you deserve"? ;)
Nothing preventing 100LL from being burned in Cali, just from being sold. Make sure to tanker plenty of fuel when you visit, lol.
Can't wait to see what FBO's in California will be selling their unleaded aviation fuel replacement for. Guess there will be pickups with covered beds and large tanks driving back and forth to Nevada and Arizona for the monthly 100LL run.
It sounds like there's a business opportunity here for every FBO that sits right along the opposite side of the CA border.

It reminds me of the Southern beer stores that sit right next to the border of a dry county. Highest volume business in the area.....
Everyone realizes absolutely nothing will change about flying in CA as a result of this law for 6+ more years, right?

Based on progress to date, there's certainly no guarantee than an UL fuel will be widely available by then, but it's also not certain that it won't be. Panty-wadding can afford to wait at least another couple of years....
"Ok, need to get any important Cali sightseeing done in the next few years."

We just finished our Cali sightseeing - by Toyota (currently on our way home from a cross country road trip). Last fillup in Cali along I-5 was $6.19. Yesterday morning we filled up near Winslow Arizona along I-40 for $3.03. Looks like this morning in Santa Rosa, New Mexico will be $2.85. When we get home and I'm back in our Ercoupe I'm looking at $6.25 for 100LL (full service) - only a few cents more than some mogas in California.

There's a good chance that Cali avgas will be quite expensive.
We’re currently on a road trip in California. All the way here from Florida, gas wasn’t too bad. But here in CA it’s well over four bucks a gallon - about $1.30 more than at home. The gas stations out in the desert reslly gouge people - $6.69 for 87 in, I think it was Ludlow. And it’s not like it’s up some remote canyon; the gas station is a hundred yards off of I-40 and tankers go by every day.

I am so glad I left this state.
Just got back from Napa (on the airlines). Car gas in California is $1.50/gallon more than it is here in the Carolinas.