Going Vertical


Line Up and Wait
Jan 31, 2010
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Besides the Tom Cruise thread, been a little slow here. ;) A few clips of some fun messing around yesterday with some un-named vertical tumble-snap-rolling concoctions.

Out of curiosity, what maneuver would you say presents the most challenge to you? Any particular one your current "white whale?"
Out of curiosity, what maneuver would you say presents the most challenge to you? Any particular one your current "white whale?"

There are certain figures that I rarely practice, since they are only seen at the Unlimited level of competition, and my Pitts just doesn't have the performance to compete at that level. Mostly what I'm talking about here is vertical up snap rolls (positive and negative) and negative snap fractions. Haven't worked on those enough to be "good" at them. In general, there are no seriously problematic maneuvers I come across - it's just a constant process of trying to fly them to finer and finer degrees of precision. I guess the exception to this is certain rolling figures to the right. I've developed the bad habit of mostly practicing rolling turns and snap rolls to the left. It's best to be able to do everything equally well in both directions. I've only recently worked on improving snaps to the right. But my right snaps (which include snap fractions) and rolling turns ("rollers") are still not quite as good as those to the left. You never run out of things to work on in this sport.