Go Speed Go!

I had a crush on the original Trixie. But, I suppose I could settle for the stand in on the remake. :)
I've been wondering just how this movie is coming out. And I heard rumors about a live action Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons movie...but hopefully that was only a rumor. Captain Scarlet MUST be CGI a la "Final Fantasy, The Spirit Within".

But Speed Racer also piqued my interest in anime and manga. ( I am a HUGE and forever fan of Hayao Miyazaki.)
I want to see them do a live-action version of going 250MPH and still upshifting.

There a lot more obviously-disaster nostalgia movies coming ala "Underdog." Jason Lee seems to be in all of them. The next one is "Alvin and the Chipmunks." Watch another "hysterical" trailer: http://www.thechipmunks.com/
We'll see if the Warshowski brothers can do it again. They don't seem to do too well with sequels, but the more original movies (Matrix, V) really do strike a nerve. Never heard of the guy playing speed.
I loved watching Speed. The Mach 5 was one of the best looking cars ever. Impractical from a production standpoint, true, but what style!!!
I saw a trailer at the theater this weekend...looks...interesting. I like the Warshowski brothers, though, and the preview looked decently impressive.
AP said:
"Speed Racer" would have difficulty recouping its $120 million budget. "Unfortunately it didn't perform to our expectations," he said.
"Speed Racer" was panned by many film critics and was made by the Wachowski brothers, best known for the "Matrix" franchise.

Anyone see it yet? Almost all the reveiws have been bad and I am traveling so cannot get to the theater.
Never heard of the guy playing speed.

Emile Hirsch (think I got the spelling right) is a newer actor. He played one of the lead roles in the movie "The Girl Next Door" and did a good job in it, at least I thought so.

No idea whether the movie is any good or not. From the previews, it looks like it's another big special effects deal, and perhaps based even less in physics than the original TV series. I'll probably wait for it to come out on <$10 DVD and then buy it. :)
Saw the movie and liked it, but me and the critics usually disagree on movies. The plot is a variation of a common movie plot that has been tried before and feels a little tired, the actions to resolve the plot seems to be tangentially related if you think too hard, and a few too many scenes had my calling "BS!".

Still I liked it mainly for the race scenes. Loved the drift style racing that occurs and everyone's physics defying ability to take a corner while doing a 720 - 1080 spin (on purpose) at high speeds without losing speed.

And a question to those that saw it:
Am I the only one having a hard time buying the "pump up the stock price" by fixing races thing? I mean ~$50 per share to ~$78 per share from one race? Really???
I went to to see "Iron Man" last night. It is great if you remember it's comic book flying. If nothing else, Robertt Downey Jr, does a great job with the role and kids are flocking to this one and he's way over 30!

I wondered if "Marvel productions" banked enough money from the Spiderman and X-Men movies to pull these off with the high budget. They showed trailers for the new "The Incredible Hulk" movie like there hasn't been one already...as if they were saying, "THIS TIME with decent special effects!" :D

They have "Speed Racer" in IMAX at that theater. I have the strong feeling that the movie would be sensory overload on a flat screen. I'll not rush to see it.
Also, they didn't say the one line I really wanted to hear!!

"Someone has sabotaged the Mach 5!"
Also, they didn't say the one line I really wanted to hear!!

"Someone has sabotaged the Mach 5!"

The last Speed Racer I saw had a plot that only made sense in Japanese culture - a thing about family honor, or not respecting it, that had to have American kids scratching their heads.
Saw the previews a few months ago and it looked like nothing I'd want to see. And I LOVE the cartoon version.

However, I will be going to the Indiana Jones movie regardless what anyone says about it. :D
I loved watching Speed. The Mach 5 was one of the best looking cars ever. Impractical from a production standpoint, true, but what style!!!

I watched it all the time and loved that car.

I'm kinda out of touch with movies, as in less in touch than someone on the opposite side of the galaxy that's living in a cave. A couple days ago I was at the store getting oil for the RV and walked past the toy section on the way out when I saw the Mach 5 sitting there in a box. I thought I was hallucinating but it was really there. I just had to get the match box version:


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Saw the previews a few months ago and it looked like nothing I'd want to see. And I LOVE the cartoon version.

However, I will be going to the Indiana Jones movie regardless what anyone says about it. :D

It looks like they're trying to market Indy as the one with Shia LeBoufe the teen hearthrob. I got that impression by, I dunno, the fact that they put a Shia poster in Sunday's USA Today magazine.

I bet TPTB are scared ta death that ol' Indy is too old to attract the OMG!gottabetherethefirstminuteFridaynight! teen movie crowd. I saw that even the local small town movie theater was advertising on the marquee it was selling midnight (when?) tickets for the 12:01AM show (what day?).

The Indy trailer looked OK, not OMG! class.
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It looks like they're trying to market Indy as the one with Shia LeBoufe the teen hearthrob. I got that impression by, I dunno, the fact that put a Shia poster in Sunday's USA Today magazine.

I bet TPTB are scared ta death that ol' Indy is too old to attract the OMG!gottabetherethefirstminuteFridaynight! teen movie crowd. I saw that even the local small town movie theater was advertising on the marquee it was selling midnight (when?) tickets for the 12:01AM show (what day?).

The Indy trailer looked OK, not OMG! class.

Well, I know a 31 year old who appears to be planning on being there for the 12:01 AM show. And my wife and I would be there, except that's just too late at night for us. Perhaps the next day. :yes: