Girl-friend is interested in flying

After growing half a century old, and being married for thirty years of that, I could care less what any woman wants. They don't even know what they want.

Evil vindictive creatures they are. Don't let any devil woman tell you your business.

Good luck.

This is the knowledge I was looking for!!

She's by far the easiest person to be in a relationship with historically, if you want to call it that We are both career oriented and focus a lot on personal growth and when our schedules collide we make it a point to enjoy each other's time. Although with the MBA winding down and me being in a slow season at the office I've noticed we are spending way more time with each other than we used to. Not a bad thing at all but our casual relationship has started to turn more serious. Our rules so far have been: be independent, be open and communicate, take the person as they are (no trying to change anyone). After a year of seeing each other we've yet to argue or fight. Being divorced we also have a better understanding of what we don't want, and let the little things roll off our backs with ease.

For those saying don't block her dreams. There's no way I wouldn't support this, hence the sarcasm.
I would hate for my wife to want to be too involved. After all aviation is my pardon from her and house for a few hours every week. She does like going up and flying! But I don't want her at the airport all the time.
Girls,,, flying planes. What will they want next? Vote? :eek:

I say you might as well encourage her, and support everything. She's gonna do it anyway.
Girls,,, flying planes. What will they want next? Vote? :eek:

I say you might as well encourage her, and support everything. She's gonna do it anyway.

This is what I thought too, like he will be able to stop her.....
I feel you may be overthinking this.
There may be value in supporting her fantasies.
I don’t see the down side unless she lays down with her CFI.
I don’t see the down side unless she lays down with her CFI.

Find a woman CFI, and encourage it. Pilot sandwich, works for me.

GAH! Scooped by the OP by a minute! Brilliant minds. :yes:
Almost exactly 3 years ago now my fiance (then boyfriend) each took an intro flight. I came from an aviation family and he had always wanted to fly. We ended up getting our PPL's on June 6th (me) and June 7th (him) 2012.

Now that we've been flying awhile, we each have our likes and dislikes about different things in the air. He likes to fly Cubs low & slow. I enjoy going IFR somewhere and shooting an approach. We both hold commercial single/multi but I also hold my CFI/CFII. It was a lot of fun to experience learning together (with different CFIs) and growing in our skills. We shared some of the same challenges but a lot of different ones too. It's something really cool that we share and we don't see one of us as a "lesser" pilot. The only difference is I'm comfortable in both seats while he's still warming up to the right seat. But when he rents a Supercub I chill in the back and I'm a happy passenger.

It certainly makes long trips easier. "Hey mind if I take a nap?" We've flown 8+ hours in a day because the fatigue is much easier to manage as a flying couple. Our only rule is you always tell the other person when you're taking the airplane. Unfortunately he often forgets and then I go bananas on him when he tells me later. We're working on that!
Great airport experiences. Fellow ask me one day, " would you let me take my wife for a ride in your Citabria?" ( I knew he was retired army copter, fixed wing , lots of hours, etc.) " sure I said" he shows up with wife, a looker and very nice. They flew, she got out with big smile. I asked " how did you like flying in it.? " she answered " I soloed in one years ago. It was fun!"' It turned out she was getting ready to retire from northwest as a 14000 hour left seat. One never knows.
Great airport experiences. Fellow ask me one day, " would you let me take my wife for a ride in your Citabria?" ( I knew he was retired army copter, fixed wing , lots of hours, etc.) " sure I said" he shows up with wife, a looker and very nice. They flew, she got out with big smile. I asked " how did you like flying in it.? " she answered " I soloed in one years ago. It was fun!"' It turned out she was getting ready to retire from northwest as a 14000 hour left seat. One never knows.

And the flight time compensation blowhards are coming in 3....2-.....
My husband and I are both pilots, and we both like that we share this interest. Whoever is more current in the conditions/airplane can be PIC on whatever family trips we take, when there is inclement weather, two sets of heads and eyes and experiences can confer, and if one is under the weather the other can take it on. We both like hanging out at the airport, and we actually like each other, so we don't mind that the other is there too. It helps that there is no resentment from either spouse when the other wants to spend an entire Saturday out at the hangar with friends. We get it. We keep each other honest on the flying, on procedures, on changes in regs or the way something is done, but in a good, positive way. In flying, whoever is PIC is PIC, and thou shalt not nitpick unless safety is a question. He has more total time than I do, but I actually was his instructor to get his multi and MEI. We got along just fine, separating personal from business. Not everybody can do that, but it worked fine for us. Like I said, we like that both of us share this aviation thing together; we have had (and will have) a lot of great experiences together, and there isn't anybody I'd rather have along. We have a lot of fun with it.

To the OP, you really can't go wrong either way. If you take her up yourself first, then you two can have a good time with it together, and if she still likes it, you can send her up with a CFI for a "Discovery Flight", let her get a little more into the nitty gritty and see what she thinks, and just go from there. :)
whataver your hobby is - flying, fishing, water skiing, whatever - it's common for a girlfriend/boyfriend to have an interest in participating in it. After s/he becomes a spouse that interest often fades pretty quickly.
So the girl I'm seeing mentioned yesterday she's interested in getting her PPL(certificate, whatever). She's graduating this week with her MBA and wants a new challenge. She is taking some time off work for the holidays and asked if we could go up and let her see if she gets the bug. Initially I was quite excited, but then some questions started coming to mind.

  1. Should I take her up to let her feel it out(we've been flying before, but not in a 'let me show you how' capacity) or get her a discovery/intro flight lesson at a local school? (I'm not a CFI)
  2. Has anyone had a S.O. encroach on 'their' hobby? Listen I'm not saying I don't want her to be a pilot, but this sort of my thing, not hers. She's already markedly hotter than me and now she's wants to edge into my 'coolness' zone. What will I have after that?!? This just seems bad. /sarcasm :rofl:
  3. How can I fly with her in the future if she knows all the things I'm doing wrong?!?:eek:
  4. Anyone with common experience have some advice??:dunno:
Mostly it's been slow at work and I need some entertainment but I thought the brilliant minds on PoA would have endless knowledge opinions on the matter. :D

Get your Instrument while she does PPL. Stay one step ahead of her!