Agree, and study VNV. You need to understand Top of Descent, the 5 minute advance warning, and requirement to confirm with altitude reference change one minute prior to TOD. The first few times I thought I had engaged it, I flew right past the TOD but no descent was initiated. Also, remember that it is NOT like FLC, you MUST reduce power to avoid overspeeding. Strongly advise practicing all of these modes (VS, FLC, VNV) on MSFS2020 or XP12 to really nail them mentally. The other thing to practice are LPV approaches, if you have WAAS receivers (GIA63W or GIA64). I had never executed an actual WAAS approach in rentals before I bought my DA40. Knowing the PFD indicators for different lateral and vertical modes, when GS is armed, when it is active are very important. Also when to go into Approach mode. Again, flight sims provide a great way to practice.