Garmin questions GDL-50 with a Aera660

Tony R

Mar 12, 2019
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hello Aviators,
I recently switched from a Pipstrel Alpha Trainer to a Piper 140. I love the Alpha but my instructor refuses (justifiably) to fly it after the engine quit right before rotation. So now I'm in the Piper, which is easier to land and kinda flies itself.

The Piper flies great, but it has no glass. I really like seeing traffic on a screen to augment my eyeballs.

Is a GDL-50 a decent ADSb in? I'm not an apple user so sentry is a no go. Should I spring for the 660 or just use a tablet that has GPS or my android phone?

GDL-50/Aera660 user here. Works just fine for me. I only break out the iPad/Foreflight for longer cross countries. I like the traffic depiction on the Aera660 better than Foreflight. On cross countries I'll connect my Android phone (running FltPlan Go) to the GDL-50 for another traffic depiction as my phone is in a mount suction cupped to the left windscreen in my Skyhawk.