Garmin and xm wx


Jul 27, 2005
Ocean City, MD
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Ok, all of those in the know I'm looking for some help. I am looking at purchasing a 396 or 496 with xm wx. My question is what subscription do you sign up for? Aviator LT or Aviator seem to be the choice for me.

I also remember reading a post about a cheaper way to sign up for xm wx but I can't find that posting, it may have been on another board.

I found used 396's for $1600 at any thoughts or comments on this place?
My question is what subscription do you sign up for? Aviator LT or Aviator seem to be the choice for me.
I've got Aviator LT. I might try Aviator to get the winds aloft data, but so far I haven't missed it much. I haven't found myself needing any of the other stuff, since I don't fly IFR.
I think there was a 396 for sale in the classifieds. The AOPA Classifieds had some as well for good prices.

If I recall correctly, someone said that you can get a marine package for cheaper than the aviator LT package to get radar and weather, but if you want all the winds aloft, etc I think you still need the Aviator package. Search the Red Board for the discussion.
It is on the Red Board, couldn't find the thread on a quick search but apparently one of the marine packages has all the data of the aviator and then some, for the same price. That includes winds aloft BTW. I'll look some more...

EDIT: Here it is. It is the "Master Mariner Package." If you aren't an AOPA member one of us can get more info...

One post:

Worked exactly like you said! I changed my service this morning and got everything on the full Aviator service and added:

Bouy Reports
Hurricane Track
Offshore/High Seas Forecast
Sea Surface Temperature
Surface Pressure
Surface Winds
Visibility Forcast
Wave Direction (Pacific and Atlantic)
Wave Height (Pacific and Atlantic)
Wave Period (Pacific and Atlantic)

No charges, more services, same price, truly a no brainer.......
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I've got Aviator LT. I might try Aviator to get the winds aloft data, but so far I haven't missed it much. I haven't found myself needing any of the other stuff, since I don't fly IFR.

Thanks for the info, I hope to be IFR very soon so I'll look into aviator too.


Thanks, thats the thread I was talking about just didnt remember where to find it.
It is on the Red Board, couldn't find the thread on a quick search but apparently one of the marine packages has all the data of the aviator and then some, for the same price. That includes winds aloft BTW. I'll look some more...

EDIT: Here it is. It is the "Master Mariner Package." If you aren't an AOPA member one of us can get more info...
One post:


Yep thats the one!!! Thanks for posting.
The differences in the plans are listed here:

IMHO, there's a lot of worthwhile data gained in the step up from "Aviator Lt" to "Aviator".

I've never dealt with JA Air, but they seem to be a popular source, and I've never heard anybody say anything bad about them. You can probably get a lower price on eBay, and this is what I would do, but I can understand somebody having a preference for dealing with a real live business.
The differences in the plans are listed here:

IMHO, there's a lot of worthwhile data gained in the step up from "Aviator Lt" to "Aviator".


Yah, and as noted in the other thread, the XM charts don't accurately reflect all the data actually available with the Master Mariner package. While not listed specifically, the Master Mariner apparently contains every product available on the Aviator package (though not the "Aviator Pro.")

If you have Aviator LT, it will cost $20 more per month to upgrade to either the "Aviator" package, or the "Master Mariner" package. Both upgrades give you the same additions to your aviation weather features, but with the Master Mariner product you have even more worthwhile features - including depicted isobars.
Is there any difference in coverage area (Alaska, Canada, Caribbean) between Aviator and Master Mariner? I might need to switch us over to Master Mariner soon. You can switch between the Aviator LT and Aviator twice a year without penalty to save money. Can that be done between the Aviator LT and the Master Mariner, too?
Thanks for the info, I hope to be IFR very soon so I'll look into aviator too.


A couple of things pushed me up to the Aviator package that relate to IFR (Were I VFR-only, I'd probably go with the LT too).

Lightning strikes is one important thing. There are filters put in place on the radar that will sometimes cause a storm not to show up - Scott D posted about that a while ago. I don't think they filter the lightning strikes. If you suddenly start seeing lightning strikes where it's supposed to be clear, watch out! Also, that "benign" green or yellow area might not be so benign if there's lightning happening.

Having things like freezing levels, airmets, echo tops, and the like is very handy when flying IFR as well. :yes:

Master Mariner package... I'll have to remember that. I doubt I'd use much of the extras, but if they're essentially free, what the heck. And now I know why there were some products that still weren't highlighted when I had the "high end" Aviator package.
My experience is that the light version makes sense. For PIREPS, tops, winds aloft, and all the rest I call Flight Watch (still free).

For Lightning strikes use the savings from the cheaper monthly subscription and install a StormScope -- redundancy and real-time data on board.
My experience is that the light version makes sense. For PIREPS, tops, winds aloft, and all the rest I call Flight Watch (still free).

For Lightning strikes use the savings from the cheaper monthly subscription and install a StormScope -- redundancy and real-time data on board.
Some of us don't own planes. Is there such a thing as a reliable portable StormScope or other sferics device?
For Lightning strikes use the savings from the cheaper monthly subscription and install a StormScope -- redundancy and real-time data on board.
Can you still even get one? Can you get it fixed? ISTR folks having trouble with both of those in the recent past.
Can you still even get one? Can you get it fixed? ISTR folks having trouble with both of those in the recent past.


L-3 is pretty big, and they currently own StormScope.

The system itself is fairly solid and proven and normally as trouble-free as a shovel (of course there are exceptions).
For Lightning strikes use the savings from the cheaper monthly subscription and install a StormScope -- redundancy and real-time data on board.

OK, at $20/mo savings, how many years would it take to pay for a stormscope? :dunno:

OK, I found some prices. New WX-500 stormscope: $5700. That'll pay for itself in 24 years, 9 months. :eek: Even a used WX-10 is $2295 which will take nearly 10 years to pay for the unit. Note that installation will probably increase the cost significantly.