Gamo Whisper Fusion Elite .22


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 15, 2007
Upstate New York
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Geek on the Hill
I picked up one of these air rifles at Wally World yesterday. We've been having some rabid raccoon and fox sightings lately, and the tree-hugger down the road calls the Sheriff every time she hears gunshots. (It's perfectly legal to discharge a firearm here, but she calls anyway. I think she just likes to be a pain in the ass.)

I'm very impressed with the air rifle. Having not owned nor fired an air rifle since I was a child, I was amazed at how far they've come. It's well-made, packs a punch, and is remarkably accurate. I was getting nickle-sized groups shooting from the prone position with no bench at 100 feet, using Crosman Premier 14.3-grain hollow point pellets. I was amazed. It's definitely nothing like the air rifles of my childhood.

I sighted in both the iron sights and the scope this morning. They actually were pretty close out of the box. It took exactly one group to zero in the scope and two groups to zero in the iron sights.

This was my last shot, taken from the offhand position after I'd finished sighting it in, from 100 feet. I figured it was a nice way to end the session.


You should be shooting daily so your neighbor gets used to it.

The wife came back from the store this morning and said she saw the greatest bumper sticker. It said:

If you don't like guns, then don't buy one.

We are going to the store later to look at a new pistol for the wife, they have a little semi auto 22 for $119. No sales tax either. Weighs just over a pound so would fit in her purse just fine.
You should be shooting daily so your neighbor gets used to it.

The wife came back from the store this morning and said she saw the greatest bumper sticker. It said:

If you don't like guns, then don't buy one.

. . . .

Meh. Who needs the aggravation with her. For varmint control on the property, this will do fine. I've already sent a whole bunch of pesky V8 cans to their maker. At 100 feet using the scope, I hit every one, every time.


I'm actually looking forward to the next time that red squirrel comes around...

Out in these parts, gun shots are a daily occurrence. I was popping a target in my front yard with a 10/22 and the local officer walks up and asks if he could give it a go. Pretty sure he was gonna buy one after that.
Spring piston air rifles aren't too bad noise wise. I had a Feinwerkbau 124 rifle in .177. It's a blast to shoot. Accurate, too.
Out in these parts, gun shots are a daily occurrence. I was popping a target in my front yard with a 10/22 and the local officer walks up and asks if he could give it a go. Pretty sure he was gonna buy one after that.

It's perfectly legal to discharge a firearm here. The tree-hugger is just a pain in the ass. She calls the Sheriff whenever she hears gunshots. Even putting down a sick animal gets her all upset. She thinks people should call the Sheriff 30 miles away instead of doing the deed themselves. So I'm basically just tired of her ****. What she doesn't hear, she can't make a fuss over.

But actually, now that I have it, I do like the air rifle a lot. And pellets are much cheaper than .22 LR. I predict an early death for a lot of metal cans. :D

I don't know what this tree hugger is you speak of. We burn trees, burn trash, burn doughnuts, and other cool **** with fire. If you hug the wild life, you'll end up with claws in your neck, horns in your gut or fangs in undesirable places. We don't hug anything. We kill it and eat it......usually.

Oh yea, and shoot guns a lot. o_O
I've been looking at getting a pellet gun to keep the neighborhood cats and dogs under control. One of the neighbors feeds a metric Shiite ton of wild cats who are wreaking havoc on the garbage cans around here and no one seems to think that their precious dogs should be confined to their own yards. I have been using my .22 rifle with the subsonic rounds but they don't have enough range to hit where I would like them to and too many people in the area to be using a .22 short.
I've been looking at getting a pellet gun to keep the neighborhood cats and dogs under control. One of the neighbors feeds a metric Shiite ton of wild cats who are wreaking havoc on the garbage cans around here and no one seems to think that their precious dogs should be confined to their own yards. I have been using my .22 rifle with the subsonic rounds but they don't have enough range to hit where I would like them to and too many people in the area to be using a .22 short.

The neighbors' dogs and cats don't bother me. One dog used to come around daily and hang out with me. I don't know what happened to her. She just stopped coming around one day.

Actually, most of the critters don't bother me at all except for the chipmunk who keeps gnawing away at the insulation on the A/C line, and the red squirrels who are constantly trying to break into my attic. The rest of them I get along with just fine. I'm even on good terms with the family of skunks living under the porch. They're actually pretty friendly.

I was going to wrap something around the A/C line to try to discourage the chipmunk from chewing on it, but my friend told me to spray it with Chinese hot pepper oil instead. Apparently they hate the taste of it. It seems to work. That's good because I really didn't want to kill the chipmunks. They're amusing.

The copperhead, however, had to go. It was living in the rock wall next to the steps and basking on them. I trapped it in a fishnet and relocated it in a bucket to the state land. The DEC guy I met wasn't too thrilled about that. Apparently you need a license to transport and release snakes. But I told him that the alternative was taking a shovel to its head because where it had been living was entirely unacceptable, so he looked the other way and let me release it.

I've also learned that the best way to keep rabbits out of a vegetable garden is to plant mint around it. They hate it. Keeping the mint out of the garden can be a bit of a challenge, but it's doable. And sometimes it's not necessary. Tomatoes, for example, thrive in the same plots as mint. So do peppers, lettuce, and eggplants. But rabbits, other rodents, and deer can't stand it.

Suffice it to say that I don't get any special joy from killing animals unless I intend to eat them or they're causing me some sort of harm. I wouldn't call myself an animal lover so much as someone who accepts and isn't bothered by wild critters as long as they're not making my life more difficult. I had a lot worse neighbors when I lived in The City. The animals here have more good sense than most of the people I lived around in Queens. Some, like the skunks and the chipmunks (except for that gnawing thing), are even sort of friendly.

The next red squirrel that comes around, however, is a goner. I hate those little bastards. In fact, red squirrels are probably the only animals that I positively hate. I don't mind the gray squirrels because they give up on getting into the attic pretty easily. But those little red sons of ******* won't take no for an answer. I mean, seriously, can't they go find a hollow tree somewhere instead of pulling the shingles off my roof?

The other animal problem that concerns me is that a lot of people whom I trust to be able to recognize it have reported rabid raccoons and foxes lately. I also saw a raccoon out in the daytime not long ago who didn't look too healthy. It had enough presence of mind to stagger off into the woods when it saw me, but it was out in the daytime and was wobbly enough that I'm pretty sure it was rabid. I set a Havahart for it, but all I caught was the neighbor's cat.

The cats I don't want to kill nor the dogs but there comes a point. We have two cats who used to be indooroutdoor cats but with all the riff raff they just get attacked constantly not yo mention the constant fights every night and the garbage can looting they do which does nothing but spread garbage around the beighborhood. Enough is enough.
The dogs are a different story, we have four kids, 13,7,2,5mos. The dogs are starting to pack up around here, we call the authorities but by the time they arrive it is usually to late, we have no animal control so Gary send out a sheriff deputy usually and they have no desire to wrangle dogs. My hope is that after a trip or two to the vet to have a bb or pellet removed from their skin they will get the hint to keep them under control. Their are a few large dogs around that would cause irreprible damage to our children as well, our neighbors have four girls under 8 years as well. I had a nice chat with the new guy down the street who thought having his pit bull running around was fine, I told him that the next time his mutt showed up on my porch I was going to deal with it. He got the point and has kept it under control
It just amazes me how irresponsible people are with all this, the gal down the street keeps feeding the wild cats and they keep multiplying, when they pull into their driveway, it looks like a scene from a zombie movie! Cats come pouring out from all directions.
We have a few deer that hang out every fall and set our bird feeders dry, one of the little bit dogs tried to chase one last year and the deer stomped the little mutt pretty thoroughly. Almost felt bad for it but even a chicken knows to get in out of the rain. Wish we had more deer I guess.
You don't need to shoot the cats and/or dogs, you need to shoot their owners.

Just like the brat kids at Walmart. It's their parents that need to be shot.
The cats I don't want to kill nor the dogs but there comes a point. We have two cats who used to be indooroutdoor cats but with all the riff raff they just get attacked constantly not yo mention the constant fights every night and the garbage can looting they do which does nothing but spread garbage around the beighborhood. Enough is enough.
The dogs are a different story, we have four kids, 13,7,2,5mos. The dogs are starting to pack up around here, we call the authorities but by the time they arrive it is usually to late, we have no animal control so Gary send out a sheriff deputy usually and they have no desire to wrangle dogs. My hope is that after a trip or two to the vet to have a bb or pellet removed from their skin they will get the hint to keep them under control. Their are a few large dogs around that would cause irreprible damage to our children as well, our neighbors have four girls under 8 years as well. I had a nice chat with the new guy down the street who thought having his pit bull running around was fine, I told him that the next time his mutt showed up on my porch I was going to deal with it. He got the point and has kept it under control
It just amazes me how irresponsible people are with all this, the gal down the street keeps feeding the wild cats and they keep multiplying, when they pull into their driveway, it looks like a scene from a zombie movie! Cats come pouring out from all directions.
We have a few deer that hang out every fall and set our bird feeders dry, one of the little bit dogs tried to chase one last year and the deer stomped the little mutt pretty thoroughly. Almost felt bad for it but even a chicken knows to get in out of the rain. Wish we had more deer I guess.

Understood. Our dogs are more of the polite, friendly, laid-back sort. They wave from the porch as you drive by.

...the tree-hugger down the road calls the Sheriff every time she hears gunshots...


I had a neighbor like this once...I would shoot about once every six months, and they would call the I made it my personal mission to shoot EVERY SINGLE DAY until it stopped. I started checking out sub-machine guns from work, and shooting them daily on my acreage (it helped that I got free ammo from work too). It only took about a week and a half before they gave up.
The copperhead, however, had to go. It was living in the rock wall next to the steps and basking on them. I trapped it in a fishnet and relocated it in a bucket to the state land.

It's interesting that you chose to transplant the copperhead instead of kill it. Most folks think the only good snake is a dead one, no matter what kind of snake it is. We've had a fair number of rattlers show up around our house over the years. I've always scooped them up with a forked hoe and tossed them into a tall trash can. Then I take them a few miles out into the country and release them. People think I'm nuts for doing this, but it seems easier to me than whacking at a mad snake with a shovel.
It's interesting that you chose to transplant the copperhead instead of kill it. Most folks think the only good snake is a dead one, no matter what kind of snake it is. We've had a fair number of rattlers show up around our house over the years. I've always scooped them up with a forked hoe and tossed them into a tall trash can. Then I take them a few miles out into the country and release them. People think I'm nuts for doing this, but it seems easier to me than whacking at a mad snake with a shovel.

All snakes do a lot more good than harm. They eat rodents. It's in the rule book for snakes.

I leave the non-venomous snakes alone no matter where they are, but I do relocate the venomous ones. That means copperheads around here. I'm told that we have a few timber rattlesnakes, but I haven't seen any. All the rest of our local snakes are harmless, overwhelmingly beneficial species.

I've been looking at getting a pellet gun to keep the neighborhood cats and dogs under control. One of the neighbors feeds a metric Shiite ton of wild cats who are wreaking havoc on the garbage cans around here and no one seems to think that their precious dogs should be confined to their own yards. I have been using my .22 rifle with the subsonic rounds but they don't have enough range to hit where I would like them to and too many people in the area to be using a .22 short.

Is this a .22 cal?

I did a google on Walmart and all I could find in this brand is .177.

Yes, it's a .22 cal. It wasn't on the Web site, but they had it in the store. Kind of strange.

It does a pretty good job against steel tomato cans. This was at about 70 feet.


I'm actually pretty surprised. Wimpy aluminum V-8 cans are one thing. Steel tomato cans are another. I was actually concerned that the pellets might ricochet back at me, but they went right through.
