G5 to get TAS and other goodies like wind data


Final Approach
Nov 28, 2016
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...$500 upgrade cost to get it.
Already have that information elsewhere in the airplane, and TAS isn't important other than for bragging purposes.

that's awesome, you just saved $500 + install

me on the other hand... not so much
Curious if this system will be providing panel mounted units the temperature compensation for cold temperature airports. Not that I would ever be flying when its that cold.
The adapter and connector kit is $189, if you already have a probe you want to use. IOW Garmin wants over $300 for their probe.
interesting, I have a Probe from JPI, are you saying I can just use that and not get the Probe from Garmin? I am scheduled for 345 as well and would want the DA readout, the documentation says you can ties with Davtron probe... so wondering if now I need 3 different OAT probes for 3 different things...

the other problem is the A&P that installed the probe, put it on front of the engine, I often see the digital read out is higher than the unicorn on the wind shield in Cherokee, I am guessing that's due to the engine heat. I definitely don't want a wrong TAS/ Wind data due to the location of my current probe.
thanks @btn83 . using a Davtron the cost comes down to about 250 and I am hoping they can splice it later and connect it with 345 as well.
What is TAS needed for?

Maybe not much in lower performance aircraft that don't fly very high and/or don't have the power to get close to their Vne.

But, in higher performance aircraft at higher altitudes, it can become rather important. There's a lot of information here, and it's mostly justifying why no bigger isn't necessarily better with regard to RV-10s, but the information translates to other airframes just as well: https://www.vansaircraft.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/hp_limts.pdf (If you don't want to read all the technical background, the grey-shaded inset sums it all up nicely.)

He has a Cherokee/Archer. I'm not ****ing retarded, but thanks for showing us what vast knowledge you possess.

Yep, I agree. That's exactly what you needed to add. Of course, that also assumes that each and every person that ever reads this thread will share your reaction (caustic sarcasm, apparently) and never, ever, *actually* have that question.

I didn't mean a bit of disrespect to you or anyone and, as far as I can tell, my post didn't say anything that would give that impression. I suppose the one bit of context that you did provide (at least to me) is that your ability to play well with, well, anyone may be severely limited. I'll keep that in mind and steer clear of you. So, thanks for clarifying.
When 1/3 of your posts at the time are implying an idiot, maybe it's not me who has the issue. No one likes the know it all new guy.
When 1/3 of your posts at the time are implying an idiot, maybe it's not me who has the issue. No one likes the know it all new guy.

You clearly overestimate how much attention I was paying to the fact that it was your posts I was replying to; I literally didn't even notice until I was trying to understand what your issue is. (Indeed, up to that point, I'd never even noticed your name.) I would also suggest that you may be far too sensitive and could be misconstruing my attempt to contribute to the conversation (as the evil, "know it all new guy") for some attack on your intelligence.
This took what, a dozen or so posts before going PoA sideways?

TAS isn't important other than for bragging purposes
True, and since so many people have no idea what "TAS" actually is a lot of folks scream about their GS... "I don't know man, my C172 with the 180 conversion hit 140 over the ground the other day, she's a fast plane dude!" - yeah okay

**Something I do find TAS helpful for in my case, it's a small litmus as to how healthy/happy the plane is. I should be getting right around 185 TAS at 10K somewhere around 75% power.. if I see more I'm happy, if I see less I start to worry if the plane is dirty or if I've done something wrong as far as engine management, etc.

$500 is actually not that bad.. that's what, 90 gallons of AvGas? Granted, if you have a GTN 650 it will calculate it for you with the utilities page with existing data points in your plane
This took what, a dozen or so posts before going PoA sideways?

True, and since so many people have no idea what "TAS" actually is a lot of folks scream about their GS... "I don't know man, my C172 with the 180 conversion hit 140 over the ground the other day, she's a fast plane dude!" - yeah okay

**Something I do find TAS helpful for in my case, it's a small litmus as to how healthy/happy the plane is. I should be getting right around 185 TAS at 10K somewhere around 75% power.. if I see more I'm happy, if I see less I start to worry if the plane is dirty or if I've done something wrong as far as engine management, etc.

$500 is actually not that bad.. that's what, 90 gallons of AvGas? Granted, if you have a GTN 650 it will calculate it for you with the utilities page with existing data points in your plane

That fact that you can get this feature that normally needs an ADC for $500 or if you go with the Davtron probe it’s $250 is good enough for me. Technically my 480 can show this IF connected to an ADC. Last time I checked, ADC was far more expensive.

About thread going sideways... well that’s kinda expected
When 1/3 of your posts at the time are implying an idiot, maybe it's not me who has the issue. No one likes the know it all new guy.
As an independent third party your reaction seems over the top to me. I don’t see idiot or any other name calling in his post. Unless I’m missing something, It appears to me you are projecting.
Maybe not much in lower performance aircraft that don't fly very high and/or don't have the power to get close to their Vne.

But, in higher performance aircraft at higher altitudes, it can become rather important. There's a lot of information here, and it's mostly justifying why no bigger isn't necessarily better with regard to RV-10s, but the information translates to other airframes just as well: https://www.vansaircraft.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/hp_limts.pdf (If you don't want to read all the technical background, the grey-shaded inset sums it all up nicely.)
I would think TAS is also useful to those without GPS navigation, granted a very small sample.
Bragging purposes. See post #3.

Didn't realize that a $50 temp gauge or being able to multiply in one's head was bragging.

No one ever taught you guys the altitude in thousands times 2 which works for 99% of the GA flying the board does?
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When 2/3 of your posts are idiotic, maybe you are an idiot.

This is true. I probably am the dumbest poster on here. Maybe you should make a poll to see if that's the case.
If only there was a pimp my ride for airplanes I could apply for
I wish there was a good matrix of how various things can play together. i.e. if my JPI 900 can send OAT over serial to a 530, can it pass it to a G5 or GTX 345. etc etc. Or do I need to install 3 more OAT probes so everything has the data.

Not that I can afford anything new right now.
The $500 for Garmin, will probably come with another $500 for the installer...
I may pass on this option for my G5 install. I'll just be glad to get an HSI coupled to a magnetometer far, far, away from the panel. The Grumman compasses in the panel are in just a horrid magnetic environment. I've always had 10 degree discrepancies on westerly headings no matter what I do or what style compass I install.
I may pass on this option for my G5 install. I'll just be glad to get an HSI coupled to a magnetometer far, far, away from the panel. The Grumman compasses in the panel are in just a horrid magnetic environment. I've always had 10 degree discrepancies on westerly headings no matter what I do or what style compass I install.

Even the later ones up top, once you get off the ground.

I'm very happy to be getting my G3x

He has a Cherokee/Archer. I'm not ****ing retarded, but thanks for showing us what vast knowledge you possess.

Lol, I had 209 knot ground speed this weekend in a cirrus, I could have guessed at it with a wizz wheel, but it was nice having it right there with my TAS, indicated airspeed, wind direction and velocity, plus wind components. Good stuff if you want to pay for it.



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Lol, I had 209 knot ground speed this weekend in a cirrus, I could have guessed at it with a wizz wheel, but it was nice having it right there with my TAS, indicated airspeed, wind direction and velocity, plus wind components. Good stuff if you want to pay for it.


I have never flown a Cirrus but just noticed your keys.. is that a freaking key fob to unlock the doors?? lol