Fun Down Low


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2007
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
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Dan Mc
Had some fun flying low over two counties this morning -- we had a gorgeous Saturday -- warm, light winds, clear -- to set us up for tomorrow. Thanks, Minnesota! :sad:

We have lots of open space near here so 500' AGL is legal for miles. A few places along the Monongahela River are down right desolate -- "brown fields" that are remnants of old coal mines, coke shipping yards, etc. They are usually topped by slag piles that tower above the surrounding area.

Janet snapped a few pics of me flying over the house -- then I flew along the Mon, then the Youghigheny.

Alas, I had house chores waiting, so I had to cut it short and land 1:15 after starting.

All that fun for 3.5 gallons of fuel (I slowed down to 65-70 at 2200 RPM for most of the flight).


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What in the name of pete are those black stripes running across the windscreen in the first picture? That's one crazy propeller reflection....

Sounds like fun. Lots of fun.
What in the name of pete are those black stripes running across the windscreen in the first picture? That's one crazy propeller reflection....

Sounds like fun. Lots of fun.

Not sure..? The propeller is black and that picture was taken with a Blackberry phone camera.

Any camera experts able to explain? :confused:

Yes it was! Need more.. :D
A camera phone and most point and shoots scan a line at a time from bottom to top so a fast moving object like a propeller is in a different position in each scan line producing crazy looking stripes.

Not a camera expert but seen em before.

Oh yeah and from that picture we can tell your prop is moving clockwise as seen from the cockpit. So that's one thing you don't have to check at annual.
Digital camera.. changes the rotational "prop flicker" to horizontal lines.
Still or video..

Ever watch the old westerns and see the wagon wheels rotate backwards?
500' AGL is a blast, the last 30 hours I have flown have been no higher than 1000' AGL.