I have had carb ice on downwind once, and numerous times shortly after takeoff. I also have a JPI 830 with carb temp. It is interesting to watch the temperature, with the throttle closed all the way, carb temp goes way up, like up to 60 or 70 degrees on days with ambient in the 20's or so. With carb heat on as suggested, with closed throttle and a warm engine, carb temp will get over 100, I have seen 140. Full throttle on a zero degree day with just about any humidity will create ice after takeoff. Full throttle dumps so much fuel, enough it seems to really help cool off and create ice. This last winter was the first winter after having my carb flow checked and a larger jet installed, it nearly shut off on me twice just after takeoff. I use carb heat on takeoff in those situations now, and also have tried using only about 3/4 throttle.
I pretty much never run carb heat, UNLESS, there is high humidity or visible moisture AND carb temp is less than 38. I may pull some carb heat now and then on decent, just to see if there is much exhaust heat to work with.