Fuel Pump on Lycoming O-360-L2A


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 17, 2024
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Ann Perine

While inspecting my engine driven fuel pump, I noticed that the Phillips head screws on the top part were very lose (all 5). I could wiggle them with my fingers. I found this odd. I also noticed there weren't any torque stripes on the screws either. Shouldn't there be torque stripes? My engine has about 200 hours to go before TBO. Are these screws checked at my annual, or are they just checked when its overhauled?
Shouldn't there be torque stripes?
Not in most cases unless it is called out in a maintenance procedure.
Are these screws checked at my annual, or are they just checked when its overhauled?
Depends on what category the aircraft falls under and what guide is used to perform the inspection whether those specific screws are checked. Regardless, most inspection guides would have a minimum line item to check engine assembly or engine area for loose hardware, etc.