I'm going to stick with Jesse and go against the grain here... I used FS2004 and VATSIM especially for years before taking flight lessons. I felt that it was incredibly helpful. No, it was not like "flying" a real plane, you still had to get meat in the seat to learn how to operate the equipment safely and proficiently, and yes, I did need to train myself to look outside the airplane. However, I did learn a lot about the theory behind flying, airspaces, procedures, airport markings, etc. Go through the lessons in FS, they contain a lot of the same knowledge you'll be learning in your actual ground school. Get on VATSIM (
http://www.vatsim.net) and do some VFR flights online. This more than anything else was the biggest benefit to me as it allowed me to get comfortable with talking on the radio and the phraseology before getting into the plane. This made one less thing for me to worry about and allowed me to concentrate on flying the plane more since my radio responses were pretty much automatic right out of the gate.
A few examples: 1) The first time I flew with the gentleman who later became my mentor we were doing sight-seeing in his Bonanza around the Houston Class B. He let me fly for a bit and I took the radios too. I followed vectors back to final at Hobby before he took over again for the landing. After landing, my mentor asked me how long I'd had my license and how many hours I had, thinking it had to be more than 100. In actuality, I was a 9-hour student at the time. He was surprised.
2) I was in Spokane, WA on business and took a discovery flight with a forum friend of mine from
www.aviationforum.org and his CFI. Here's the video:
I was a 13-hr student at this time. Note while we were on approach my friend saying "He's got 13 hours and I've got 60 and he's way better than me on the radio!" I replied by attributing it to the amount of time I have on VATSIM.
3) I was out practicing maneuvers with my CFI (I had about 25 hrs at this time) and clouds started rolling in. It was Broken at about 1000' AGL, so we called for a pop-up IFR clearance back to the airport. He called and got the clearance. We were cleared for the ILS Approach:
"Cessna two-niner-echo, descend and maintain 1200, cleared direct HULLO, maintain 1200 until established on the localizer, cleared ILS runway 35 approach. Contact Sugar Land tower on 118.65 when you reach HULLO."
My CFI started reaching for the PTT, but I waived him off and hit mine and did a perfect readback. He looked at me incredulously and said, "you're so ready to start your IR training."
So, to close, my point was not to toot my own horn, but rather to illustrate how helpful Flight Sim can be in your initial training, if used properly.