Final Approach
Number 4 flight of 2006 last night started by taking off the entire top cowling of the airplane. Walking up to the plane I saw a fair amount of bird poop around the cowling. We have the plugs on it, but that doesn't mean much.
I started finding little pieces of straw here and there - even behind the plugs! Since it's an older 172 you can open the side of it and peer in. luckily I had my flashlight because you could see some good progress made on a nest on the other side - not easily seen when you checked the oil as it was hidden.
I went to the other side and pulled out wads of straw and when my CFI showed up he took the whole top off. We pulled out even MORE then. and would you believe the prop didn't blow it all away when we started? weird.
at any rate, by the time we took off it was 8 PM so this was definitely another night flight. this was a towered one this time and since it was night time it was niiiiiiice and quiet. (maybe we should practice towers at night too! less chance of distractions).
Back at my home field I ruined my ratio of decent night landings. the first attempt was complete crap - for whatever reason I didn't do everything I usually do. didn't pull the power abeam the numbers, way too fast and LOW. I think I was farther out on downwind than usual (which contributed to being low once we entered base to final) but at night it's harder to gauge, maybe we weren't. so, a go around.
Next one - all set up, came in beautifully, but started flaring too high and back up again. another go around.
The third one was pretty decent. And we called it a night.
I started finding little pieces of straw here and there - even behind the plugs! Since it's an older 172 you can open the side of it and peer in. luckily I had my flashlight because you could see some good progress made on a nest on the other side - not easily seen when you checked the oil as it was hidden.
I went to the other side and pulled out wads of straw and when my CFI showed up he took the whole top off. We pulled out even MORE then. and would you believe the prop didn't blow it all away when we started? weird.
at any rate, by the time we took off it was 8 PM so this was definitely another night flight. this was a towered one this time and since it was night time it was niiiiiiice and quiet. (maybe we should practice towers at night too! less chance of distractions).
Back at my home field I ruined my ratio of decent night landings. the first attempt was complete crap - for whatever reason I didn't do everything I usually do. didn't pull the power abeam the numbers, way too fast and LOW. I think I was farther out on downwind than usual (which contributed to being low once we entered base to final) but at night it's harder to gauge, maybe we weren't. so, a go around.
Next one - all set up, came in beautifully, but started flaring too high and back up again. another go around.
The third one was pretty decent. And we called it a night.