Fri - Sun, Aug 10/11/12 - Boonville Annual Airport Day


Final Approach
Jun 9, 2011
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Get ready for the Annual Boonville Airport Appreciation Weekend next weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Augusy 10th, 11th, and 12th. Cap'n Kirk Wilder and his Boonville crew put on this great event every year. Come on over Friday and have pizza and your favorite beverage, then camp under the stars at Cap'n Kirk's place for more partying Friday and Saturday night, with lunch and beverages on sale Saturday during the day and a potluck dinner Saturday night. Display your plane and get a certificate of display. There will be a lot of fun to be had, and we hope to see you all there!
Oooh, ooh, I want a certificate of display!!

(This Certificate is recognition that bearer displayed herein mentioned '70's vintage aircraft with faded paint and crumbling interior)

The Annual Boonville Aviation Knowledge and Folklore Convention (aka Airport Open House) is scheduled for Saturday August 11, 2012.

Plan to spend an exciting day at the airport viewing many antique, homebuilt and factory built airplanes.

Planes start arriving as early as the preceding Thursday and Saturday crowd starts arriving by 10:00 AM.

Festivities start at Noon.

If you wish to join in for the evening potluck meal at 5:00 PM bring a dish that does not need to be cooked. Beverages provided.

Pre-party Friday night for early arrivers - pizza and goodies. No RSVP required.
I spoke with the airport manager. If I go at all, I will either fly in on Saturday night or drive in on Saturday night.

Sounds like tonight a bunch of early birds are going to the Anderson Brewing Company (beer tasting room), which closes at 6pm. Then back to the hangar / house by 6:30pm when the pizza party starts. The pizza party goes from 6:30pm until 8 or later. Saturday morning flights start coming in around 10am, festivities at 12 noon, and the big potluck at 5pm (bring a dish). Their website says expect 300-400 people, and 200 for potluck. On the phone they said 40 - 50 planes, parking in various areas.