Free cell phone holder for your car


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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I was at the car wash and started looking at all the junk whilst awaiting a clean vehicle.
I couldn't decide which cell phone holder I should get so I bought 2.

I kept the dash mounted one but I have this other one (pictured below)

The base expands to fit a cup holder.
the part that holds the phone expands as well to fit any phone vert. or horiz.

You can have it free. I will even cover shipping...

OR.... The great Cell Phone holder progress thread????

If you want it, it is yours (it is unwrapped but unused) I will gladly ship it to anyone that wants it. I want it out of my passenger seat but I would LOVE to send it via GA aircraft legs.

It had been in my car for a few weeks, and so far has done no coke, killed nothing, and not mounted any of our pets.

The Monkey thread is coming to a close and I would much prefer to send this along to someone far away but if you are just like "dang dude, I have always wanted one of these but there are no car washes within 100 miles" (lookin at you Rich) I will mail it.

Does it come with a red handle in case my ex wife calls about that missing child support?
Someone up in the northeast should want this. I'd be game to help get it there! Lol.
If you guys want to fly it to WNY I will put it in my rusty truck. :)
I'm tempted to say I'll take it, just because I'm far enough away that the flight(s) to get it here could be entertaining, but I have no use for such a thing.

Maybe I'll take it and then make sure it finds a good home somewhere WAY west (or east) after I've verified it's condition?
Yeah, but... who wants to wait that long?!

I obviously NEED this thing that I have no use for ASAP! ;-)