Attention: Teller1900:
That would have been Telford, right?"If we find that there was a theft, it may be indicative of the city not putting enough attention into the operation up there. We weren't built to be an airport manager." He said the city began managing the airport when the fixed base operator left 10 years ago.
You only have to see the condition of the facilities to know that's true.He said the city probably did not put the kind of resources it should have into the airport because the airport is a losing proposition.
The airport budget has two parts, he said -- maintenance and operational costs as well as buying fuel and fee collection. The city pays $60,000 or $70,000 a year to maintain the airport and in a good year it can make $25,000, he said.
But in the fiscal year that ended June 30, the city spent more than $80,000 on maintenance and lost $38,000 on the fixed base operator side, resulting in about a $125,000 net loss, he said.
Sad story, whatever. I've not been there; have only LeFlown LeSkyhawk over LeFleur Airport. (sometimes I LeKill LeMe)
Yeah; I had read about those bits. And Congress is trying to kill the Essential Service funding; but KAUG just got a big $$$$$ boost from FAA to go toward the had been delayed runway expansion.