AggieMike88 Touchdown! Greaser! Joined Jan 13, 2010 Messages 20,804 Location Denton, TX Display Name Display name: The original "I don't know it all" of aviation. May 10, 2017 #1 @BigBadLou Other cool stuff like this found at
BigBadLou Final Approach Joined Aug 6, 2014 Messages 5,175 Location TX - the friendliest state Display Name Display name: Lou May 11, 2017 #2 Wife buys me so many aviation-related shirts that I don't know which one to wear first. What is so special about this logo? (pardon my ignorance, I really don't know) And we have plenty of aviators in Austin, I am not the only one here.
Wife buys me so many aviation-related shirts that I don't know which one to wear first. What is so special about this logo? (pardon my ignorance, I really don't know) And we have plenty of aviators in Austin, I am not the only one here.