Form 8700-7 Cataract Surgery.


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 3, 2024
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I had cataract surgery in December 2023 and my second class medical was due to expire on May31 2024.

A few months after my cataract surgery I asked my AME “ is there anything I need to submit to the FAA?” I was clueless on the process. She said “ yes and I will take care of it”
The AME did my medical exam in early May 2024. Fast forward to last week I received a letter from the FAA requesting that form 8700-7 be completed and sent back to them.
I am currently trying to get this form filled out and returned ASAP.

Anyone have any experience with this? What was your wait/turn around time after you submitted form 8700-7 to the FAA before they issued you a medical?

Thanks for your time.
I had cataract surgery in December 2023 and my second class medical was due to expire on May31 2024.

A few months after my cataract surgery I asked my AME “ is there anything I need to submit to the FAA?” I was clueless on the process. She said “ yes and I will take care of it”
The AME did my medical exam in early May 2024. Fast forward to last week I received a letter from the FAA requesting that form 8700-7 be completed and sent back to them.
I am currently trying to get this form filled out and returned ASAP.

Anyone have any experience with this? What was your wait/turn around time after you submitted form 8700-7 to the FAA before they issued you a medical?

Thanks for your time.
Been thru this twice - It's a non-issue with the FAA *except* the time involved. I can't provide any estimates but this should be a heads-up to any & all future surgeries like this....ask the AME *early* what needs to be submitted and get the paperwork from the eye surgeon at the next-day followup so you'll have it ready to go when you need to submit it. Usually, the AME doesn't provide the 8700, that's a form that the opthamalogist/surgeon fills out (with you explaining what needs to be done) and hands to you then you hand it to the AME (and make sure you keep a copy!).

In fact anytime you have a medical procedure scheduled, call the AME, ask what needs to be done/what paperwork is needed so when you walk into the AME office you'll have everything ready to be submitted, all at one time. Makes it easier for you, the AME and the FAA.

All you can do at this point is the weekly call to OKC asking about it.