ForeFlight Version 9... New Features include:Checklist, Glide Advisor, and more


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
I ironically just came across an aviation keyboard app for ForeFlight, surprised they didn't incorporate that into the update!
It is called FFkeyboard. iPad Pilot News did a sweet article on it but I can't post a link since I am new
Building my checklist as we speak!

...screw that work stuff
Are you doing it within the app? Or on their website?

If former, I hope they will hook it into the website one day... Making it easier to create/edit when at a full sized screen and keyboard.
Are you doing it within the app? Or on their website?

If former, I hope they will hook it into the website one day... Making it easier to create/edit when at a full sized screen and keyboard.

On the app...I do not see a link in the web interface for an online edit option. Not a big deal but watch the video for editing tips:

Here are some pics of the keyboard app I was talking about (FFkeyboard)
Screen Shot 2017-03-28 at 1.39.14 PM.png
Has anybody used the keyboard app in real life yet? Just wondering if it's usable while the engine is running and/or you are bouncing around in the airplane.
Are you doing it within the app? Or on their website?

If former, I hope they will hook it into the website one day... Making it easier to create/edit when at a full sized screen and keyboard.

I don't see a way to do it via website on a laptop.
I just checked and there are already two additional cirrus checklists. I created one ... anyone know how to share / upload it so everyone can use it?
And what's wrong with Garmin pilot?? ::popcorn

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Yep. It's useless for me, as a legacy "Pro" subscriber.

While the Checklist functionality requires a Basic Plus or Pro Plus subscription, Glide Advisor and App Themes are included with all ForeFlight plan levels. SiriusXM audio is compatible with any ForeFlight plan as well, but requires an SXAR1 receiver and SiriusXM plan.
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I just checked and there are already two additional cirrus checklists. I created one ... anyone know how to share / upload it so everyone can use it?

There is a share feature. You can email/text them, and the receiver can import them into FF. I would like to know if I can import a text file of an existing checklist so I don't have to type my checklists all over again....

Edit - foreflight youtube link. Go to 2:55 to see how to share checklists.
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While the Checklist functionality requires a Basic Plus or Pro Plus subscription, Glide Advisor and App Themes are included with all ForeFlight plan levels. SiriusXM audio is compatible with any ForeFlight plan as well, but requires an SXAR1 receiver and SiriusXM plan.
I couldn't figure outnhow to turn on th glide option.
While the Checklist functionality requires a Basic Plus or Pro Plus subscription, Glide Advisor and App Themes are included with all ForeFlight plan levels.

Glide Advisor?
I messed mine up already. I entered the wrong glide ratio. I'm stuck with the wrong ratio now, because it seems to be impossible to change it, even if I try editing it in the Aircraft tab under More.

The App Theme option:
It looks like almost nothing. It changes nothing I can see for the things I usually view in flight: maps and plates. For other things it switches dark vs light background. No big deal, especially since I view them less often.
I couldn't figure outnhow to turn on th glide option.

In the maps view, touch the gear-symbol near the top left. That brings up the Settings for the map, where you can enable it. You'll also have a chance to enter the data for your best glide speed and glide ratio, but don't enter the wrong data or you'll be stuck with it.

While sitting at home, you'll always then see a little blue box at the bottom of the map, showing those two numbers, which is frustrating because mine are wrong and I can't change them now.
In the maps view, touch the gear-symbol near the top left. That brings up the Settings for the map, where you can enable it. You'll also have a chance to enter the data for your best glide speed and glide ratio, but don't enter the wrong data or you'll be stuck with it.

While sitting at home, you'll always then see a little blue box at the bottom of the map, showing those two numbers, which is frustrating because mine are wrong and I can't change them now.
Found it...but I didn't have problems editing the values. Click on the blue box and the settings will pop,up. Just select the values in settings and change them.
which is frustrating because mine are wrong and I can't change them now.

You can edit the glide values under your aircraft profile.

Click [More] in the bottom right [Aircraft] then the ["I"] next to your aircraft then scroll down and you will see the Glide Performance information that is least mine is.
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You can edit the glide values under your aircraft profile.

Click [More] in the bottom right [Aircraft] then the ["I"] next to your aircraft then scroll down and you will see the Glide Performance information that is editable.

I tried that, but it didn't remember the edit or transfer it to the map page settings.
I tried that, but it didn't remember the edit or transfer it to the map page settings.

Did you close and reset the app? Thy that...double tap the home button, swipe the app up to close it and reopen FF after you make the edits in the aircraft profile.
Did you close and reset the app? Thy that...double tap the home button, swipe the app up to close it and reopen FF after you make the edits in the aircraft profile.

I did get it to do the right thing by closing Foreflight and then reopening it.

I tried out the glide rings today. Was instructive but actually worrisome to see how short a distance I could glide while flying approaches in IMC. Typically just 3 or 4 miles glide while flying level and getting set up for the approach.

And so I learned that if my fan quits while on an approach I will definitely be pulling the red handle as there is zero chance of making it to an airport, unless of course I can restart it quickly.
I did get it to do the right thing by closing Foreflight and then reopening it.

I tried out the glide rings today. Was instructive but actually worrisome to see how short a distance I could glide while flying approaches in IMC. Typically just 3 or 4 miles glide while flying level and getting set up for the approach.

And so I learned that if my fan quits while on an approach I will definitely be pulling the red handle as there is zero chance of making it to an airport, unless of course I can restart it quickly.

You didn't learn during instrument training that every approach will have you out of glide range when you turn inbound?

A few years ago, we had to go looking for someone who didn't understand that. Engine failed on the ILS into Oakland 28R near the IAF. He was found dead on a hillside in Castro Valley, not far from a WIDE interstate highway, after he tried to make Oakland, rather than the much closer Livermore airport.
Pretty stoked they added the Checklist nice to have that. I have been using Checkmate, but its a bit of a pain to have to switch between apps like that.
For the checklist function... If they REALLY wanted to make this useful, take advantage of split screen the way WingX has implemented. Allowing us to keep the moving map display on one portion of our screen, and access the checklist on the other section....

This would make seeing/using the pre-landing and pre-approach checklist super simple and help maintain situational awareness on on the chart

@CodeMonkey (FF's main guy) ..... whaddya think of that?
Ok where are people finding the glide ratios for various planes?
Ok where are people finding the glide ratios for various planes?
My POH has plot of glide distance as a function of altitude.
The checklist function is a bit disappointing. They should use either the full screen or allow configurable split screen. I currently open my personalized checklist PDF in the Documents tab, utilizing the whole screen, able to go back and forth between different pages with just a quick swipe. Much faster than this new checklist function while still staying inside Foreflight.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The checklist function is a bit disappointing. They should use either the full screen or allow configurable split screen. I currently open my personalized checklist PDF in the Documents tab, utilizing the whole screen, able to go back and forth between different pages with just a quick swipe. Much faster than this new checklist function while still staying inside Foreflight.

That is exactly what I do as well but dig the new checklist feature...while I like the tap to confirm the new format adds, it does not have the same flow as the quick swipe using documents...gonna give it a few runs this weekend to see how it feels in the cockpit.
We already have split screen in FF if we want to use the AHRS feature (click the icon next to the FPL and the button that looks like a cog). So the tech and the coding are already in there. We just need the button to swap the AHRS view with the Checklists.
Has anyone else stopped receiving IFR filing email notifications since the app update?

My app just updated on Wednesday and since then I have not gotten a single email notification from ForeFlight for any of the IFR flights I made. No more email weather brief/confirmation that the flight plan was received by ATC or expected route clearance.

I looked in my app settings and email notifications appears to be turned on.
Has anyone else stopped receiving IFR filing email notifications since the app update?

No problem for me.

I filed yesterday from my iPhone, and almost immediately received an email from team@foreflight with a subject line
Filed: KIOW etc.
Then a few minutes later another email from them with the subject line
Expected route KIOW etc.

My only complaint for that IFR experience is that I got stuck in a hold for nearly 20 minutes before starting an approach into my untowered field, but I can't blame that one on ForeFlight.
Ok where are people finding the glide ratios for various planes?

My POH has plot of glide distance as a function of altitude.

Yes, it takes a bit of work unless you just want to use someone else's numbers. For example, here are two plots for airplanes I fly regularly. For the Cessna 182S, I took any of the plotted values, converted to feet, and divided. So, from 14000 feet AGL it can glide 20 nm. 20 nm is 121,520 feet, divided by the altitude of 14,000 feet gives you 8.68:1. That's the number I used for Foreflight.

For the PA-32-301T chart, same basic idea, just different chart. I just used their sample numbers: 12,000 feet AGL gives you 18 nm (109,368 ft), for a glide ratio of 9.11:1.

2017-03-31_8-45-38.png 2017-03-31_8-46-16.png

if you don't have charts or other information like this in your POH, you should be able to do a reasonable approximation on a smooth day by setting idle power, trimming for best glide IAS, determining what TAS that is, noting your descent rate and doing a little math later.

Or of course google it!
No problem for me.

I filed yesterday from my iPhone, and almost immediately received an email from team@foreflight with a subject line
Filed: KIOW etc.
Then a few minutes later another email from them with the subject line
Expected route KIOW etc.

My only complaint for that IFR experience is that I got stuck in a hold for nearly 20 minutes before starting an approach into my untowered field, but I can't blame that one on ForeFlight.
Interesting. I received no notifications for any of my flights the last two days.