ForeFlight update 9.1 now available in App Store.

And with this update, those that complained about the difference in cost between basic and pro will now have a new tier to gnaw on.

Wow another price jump?? Holy cow
But there are some significant improvements to the planning functions for those of us who won't be using the new "Performance Plus" tier.

More like a large set of functions/features for the "go fast" turbine crowd. Most of that higher priced tier are things that us piston drivers won't use. Existing Basic and Pro plans didn't change.

Ahh alright I didn't really look that close. I have the Pro plan right now.
Ahh alright I didn't really look that close. I have the Pro plan right now.
As do I, and happy with that.

But if this new "big boy" update provides us small potatoes some useful improvements, I'll count that as a good thing.
If they included the jeppesen charts for 300 I'd buy it
Jokes on you ForeFlight I use Fltplan Go for free and have somehow survived so far.
Stopped using FF last year. Love Garmin Pilot even more (and they give it to me for free!)
Wow another price jump?? Holy cow
It's not a price jump.

It's a new tier for more sophisticated users.

Smart move on their part. Allows them to offer more sophisticated product without financially impacting existing customers, unless those existing customers want to be impacted.
It's not a price jump.

It's a new tier for more sophisticated users.

Smart move on their part. Allows them to offer more sophisticated product without financially impacting existing customers, unless those existing customers want to be impacted.

That's what I meant
Nice improvements but on the flight planning front it seems they're just now starting to get up to speed with the sort of performance planning that's been available for free on for ages.
Biggest issue I have is that with every new feature (many of which I don't use or need) FF gets slower on my iPad and takes up even more space. Otherwise, I love FF.
Stopped using FF last year. Love Garmin Pilot even more (and they give it to me for free!)

Nothing from Garmin is ever "free". ;)
I find a lot to like about the new Flights section. The fuel accounting feature in the Navlog would be useful, except it appears to be broken. The app sets the amount of fuel remaining at the beginning of the flight based on the amount remaining at the end of an earlier flight as documented in the File and Brief section, and there does not seem to be any way to set it. Maybe when the revised Pilot Guide comes out they will explain how to do it.
I had that POS NavLog tell me that a flight from KRHV to KRNO (via V334 and V6) was over 11 hours. 1.5 would be more reasonable.

Not ready for prime time.
Create a flight plan and start typing WOOLY as the departure; does the ETD become screwy as you type, or is it just me?
Create a flight plan and start typing WOOLY as the departure; does the ETD become screwy as you type, or is it just me?
It thinks I'm in New Zealand. GMT+11?

There is a second WOOLY intersection about halfway between Australia and New Zealand. Foreflight apparently picks different ones in different parts of its code.

I really hate debugging software I paid for. No excuse.
Ok, so it's not just me. Bug reported. Oddly, it only does that for the departure, not the destination.

edited to add: FF replicated the bug and is working on a fix.
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This appears to be fixed in 9.1.2.
Pilot's Guide has been updated. There is no mention that I can find of how to set fuel remaining, in fact no mention of the fuel remaining feature in the Flights navlog at all. Maybe I'm missing it?

Also, after upgrading to 9.1.2 from 9.1, Foreflight reloads from scratch every time I try to switch to it from another running app.