Foreflight Safety Seminar at Galt Airport


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 19, 2007
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Pancakes & Foreflight Safety Seminar at Galt Airport

Ladies and Gentlemen:

On May 11, 2013 EAA Chapter 932 at Galt Airport (10C) will be presenting its second annual safety seminar. The event starts at 9:00 a.m. with a free pancake breakfast (though donations, even small ones, will be appreciated!). The free seminar begins at 10:30.

Robert Heise, former member of the ForeFlight Pilot Support Team, will provide an in-depth look at all ForeFlight features as well as a demo of Stratus, which provides free inflight weather and GPS. He will review the latest version of ForeFlight including track-up, extended centerlines and new Hazard Avoidance as well as builtin traffic pattern procedures based on actual winds.

Please RSVP to or register for this free seminar through the FAA Wings program online (# GL0349470) or email Space is limited so please let us know if you plan to attend.


  • FAA Safety Seminar 2013.pdf
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Thanks for the info. I'll try to make it down.

By the way, did Galt ever sell? I recall it was up for sale/auction last year.
Thanks for the info. I'll try to make it down.

By the way, did Galt ever sell? I recall it was up for sale/auction last year.

Galt is still for sale.

The bank owns it and the old airport manager and the A&P run the place under contract to the bank. Jason and Brian are great guys and their maintenance shop is really great. The airport is making money, always has. The land was determined a couple of years ago to be best served by being an airport so that is what it will remain. Several potential buyers have come by to look but no offers. With the airport at least making money for the bank it is not a drain on their books but they would like to be rid of it. Life goes on at 10C just as it always has.
Heading out there now. If you see a guy driving a blue Mini Cooper convertible, that's me. Girly car with racing stripes and turbo. Works for me :)