Foreflight 10.1 Released...

I like ForeFlight. Very much, in fact.

TOD on the map.

(yes, I know how to calculate TOD and I do it every flight and mark it with the little drawing tool, but FF knows where the estimated TOD point is because they put it in the flight log, so why for the love of God above my head why can't they just draw a little dot on the map why why why why?)

Still do likes me some ForeFlight, tho. So not complaining. Not much, anyway.

I always took TOD as a time thing not location. Winds aloft are generally to squirrelly for me to plan by.
They have the technology. They know my GS, distance to go, and altitude from the Stratus.... maybe base the TOD on some default you can set like pattern alt or something..... make the fpm descent rate configurable, too.

If I can plot a fairly accurate TOD based on a 500 fpm descent rate to my destination and draw a line on the FF map with my finger, they can do it.

(still like ForeFlight, btw)
I like ForeFlight. Very much, in fact.
You can do it, but it's obtuse. Export the current flight plan to Flights, go into the navlog in Flights, pull out the distance remaining field for TOD, then tap on your destination in the map and add an along-track offset for that distance...
Is true.... is true.... I could do this. Honestly, my swag method for calculating VFR TOD points works pretty well and is quicker than that. I use a modified rule-of-three.... I use the rule of five - alt to lose (dropping the zeroes) * 5. So if you are at 4500 and want to get to pattern altitude of 1200, just round the difference up to 3000. Drop the zeroes * 5 is 15nm away start the descent. Add some distance if you want to arrive at pattern alt a bit early. So maybe 17 nm. Then I just use the little two-finger-stretch-to-get-time/distance on FF and then mark a little line on my route. Obviously not precise, but good enough for estimating flying VFR. Easier than doing the mental math - alt to lose / 500 fpm = minutes before to descend then divide GS by minutes to go..... (checks out in the example above - need to loose 3000 ft / 500 fpm = 6 minutes prior to dest, start down. If I'm going 140 kts, that's 14 nm away.... close enough using the rule of 5.

But, ForeFlight has all the data to plot a nice dot on my map. Call it an advisory TOD.
They. Have. The. Technology.


I haven't tried it, but if you put a user waypoint in at your point you'd like to be at altitude, and enter the altitude using the new feature, the profile view should show you TOD
Interesting... I'll have to try that. Just would be nice if there was an option to have it appear on the plan view (the big map). Maybe config to turn it off/on if folks don't want to see it. I don't want to come across as bitching about this, by the way. After all, I'm flying an Arrow, not a 738 with TOD and VNAV profile and all that :D
I haven't tried it, but if you put a user waypoint in at your point you'd like to be at altitude, and enter the altitude using the new feature, the profile view should show you TOD
Assuming you’ve paid for profile view.
I just look at my distance to destination along with descent to destination numbers at the bottom of the FF screen. As I get closer the descent number in fpm increases. When I get within 5 or 10 min of my destination I just enter my desired pattern altitude and VS into the AP and let the expensive machinery do the work. Easy peasy. :D
I'm a ForeFlight sucker... :( I have FOMO since they always add the cool-kid features to the more expensive plans. I think I have performance plus or something like that... the difference between that and the lesser plan is only the cost of a gallon of gas these days anyway.
I'm a ForeFlight sucker... :( I have FOMO since they always add the cool-kid features to the more expensive plans. I think I have performance plus or something like that... the difference between that and the lesser plan is only the cost of a gallon of gas these days anyway.
My issue is that FF/Boeing removed a feature from the original low-end product but did not put it in the "new & improved" low-end product.
Is true.... is true.... I could do this. Honestly, my swag method for calculating VFR TOD points works pretty well and is quicker than that. I use a modified rule-of-three.... I use the rule of five - alt to lose (dropping the zeroes) * 5. So if you are at 4500 and want to get to pattern altitude of 1200, just round the difference up to 3000. Drop the zeroes * 5 is 15nm away start the descent. Add some distance if you want to arrive at pattern alt a bit early. So maybe 17 nm. Then I just use the little two-finger-stretch-to-get-time/distance on FF and then mark a little line on my route. Obviously not precise, but good enough for estimating flying VFR. Easier than doing the mental math - alt to lose / 500 fpm = minutes before to descend then divide GS by minutes to go..... (checks out in the example above - need to loose 3000 ft / 500 fpm = 6 minutes prior to dest, start down. If I'm going 140 kts, that's 14 nm away.... close enough using the rule of 5.

But, ForeFlight has all the data to plot a nice dot on my map. Call it an advisory TOD.
They. Have. The. Technology.



VNAV on the RNAV.