For my Colorado friends

I've wanted to fly into that place ever since I saw a little ad for it almost 5 years ago in a magazine. Awesome video, super jealous!
Yabut GWS is still less forgiving...

Good to see you're at least trying to play in the short hills. Lots of challenges with weather out here lately.
Yabut GWS is still less forgiving...
Not by much though. I'm working on a mountain flying presentation. My pholosophy has always been that mountains are mountains, so comparing the two was part of the plan.

Just a couple of comparisons (numbers are rounded):

KGWS: 3300' runway at 5900' msl. Level runway. In a canyon. One way in/opposite direction out recommended due to terrain. Little good go-around opportunities. Potential burble on final when crossing the river.

2NC0: 2900' runway at 4500' msl. About 50' higher on one end. Not in a canyon, but a nearby peak about 1000' higher can produce some nasty wind effects. One way in/opposite direction out recommended due to runway slope and prevailing winds. Go-around not a big issue (I did one before landing), although the illusion of being too high and overcompensating for it can make the need for one more likely. Potential burble due to the dropoffs on both ends can produce significant downdrafts.

On balance, it would be hard to say which is more challenging, whether on paper or in reality (now that I've flown into both).
Man, that's a beautiful approach. Add 2NC0 to my cross country wishlist.
A good practice mountain flying - don't drag it in - especially there. A nice steep approach - and tight patterns. The last thing you want is to have the fan stop turning on short final.
So Mark moves to NC from CO and Nick moves to CO from NC:D. Were you required to watch the video prior to getting permission to land?

It was a reasonably fair trade. But we still haven't had the Official Welcome Nick & Family to Colorado party yet. And Mark & Janet snuck out under cover of darkness or we woulda had a party for them, too.
So Mark moves to NC from CO and Nick moves to CO from NC:D. Were you required to watch the video prior to getting permission to land?
No. The video on the Mountain Air website is no longer accessible. I spend a substantial time on the phone with one of the owner/pilots reviewing recommended procedures.