Have a GMU-11 magnetometer in my tail. Getting vectors to final this afternoon, the autopilot kept kicking out of heading mode into roll mode as the magnetic heading was unreliable, indicated on the G5's by turning yellow.
I haven't had this problem before, and after landing, I realized it might have been due to the ~60lbs of steel parts I had picked up, which was the purpose of the flight. They were sitting in the rear passenger footwell, probably 8-10 feet from the magnetometer, and it never occurred to me beforehand that they would interfere.
I just thought this was interesting and wondered if anyone else had seen similar interference.
I haven't had this problem before, and after landing, I realized it might have been due to the ~60lbs of steel parts I had picked up, which was the purpose of the flight. They were sitting in the rear passenger footwell, probably 8-10 feet from the magnetometer, and it never occurred to me beforehand that they would interfere.
I just thought this was interesting and wondered if anyone else had seen similar interference.