Flying Hamburger at KENW, Wed. June 5, 2019


Pattern Altitude
Aug 23, 2011
Display Name

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Come on out for some good food and meeting a nice group of aviators. Taxi to the south ramp and the hangar door will be open.

Hours 5 - 7 PM or so.

Can't promise the weather will be as spectacular as last year but most people would prefer that anyhow.IMG_8037.JPG
I've been meaning to get out to KENW and look at that AN-2 that's sitting on the ramp. Maybe this is just the excuse I need to do so.

EDIT: I have training in AZ for work... bummer
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Too far away. :eek: :D

(46 minutes)
Spend less time time in the climb and more on the Go Fast button and it will be great! 500 ALL over Lake Michigan I am sure would be a hoot for 30 minutes.
Spend less time time in the climb and more on the Go Fast button and it will be great! 500 ALL over Lake Michigan I am sure would be a hoot for 30 minutes.
I have done that before, although I may have been less than 500 for most of the flight.