flying GA out of Daytona Beach (KDAB)


Line Up and Wait
Dec 13, 2010
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I might try to avoid some MN winter cold this year, and spend a week in Daytona Beach.

While I'm there, I thought I might try renting and going up with an instructor just to do a little sightseeing. I mean very little... I really just want to get up, fly along the ocean, see some things, call it a day. Then I can cross Florida off my "states I've flown in" map.

How is it flying in and out of KDAB?

Does Cape Canaveral just let you circle around their "island"? It looks like they're just a private class D...? How does that work any differently than a "regular" class D? Of course I'm checking TFRs, getting a briefing, and working with approach, since this is Restricted airspace.

I was thinking something like this: KDAB TTS KXMR KTIX KDAB

There are three class Ds really close to each other at Cape Canaveral.

Am I better off filing IFR with a practice approach into KTIX, requesting a missed to the east and vectored back to KDAB over Canaveral?

How is the flying out there near/over the ocean?

Since I'll be flying with a local instructor, they should have the answers to all of this too. Just thought I'd ask for some local opinions.

The DAB area is packed with 172's and student pilots. There is also a healthy mix of snowbird's out and about on the weekends. The entire midsection of FL should be an Alert Area, in my opinion.

The shoreline is a highway of activity for aircraft traveling both northbound and southbound at all altitudes. I wouldn't hang around without talking with someone or having traffic on board.

Running a low approach over the Cape runway was awesome and would highly recommend it.

Your instructor should be very familiar with everything you would like to do and should accommodate everything on your list.
Now paging JohnH...

Please pick up the white customer phone....
I have a place in Spruce Creek (7FL6) and spend time there. My thoughts:

There is a LOT of traffic (Riddles home base). Much of it speaks with a strong accent, sometimes hard to understand if you're not used to it.

Daytona Approach is pretty awesome. Easy to work with. That's generally true in FL (Though Orlando can have a bad day from time to time).

Fly in the morning. Not too big a deal in the winter but when spring arrives the afternoon storms come up quickly. Remember, spring in Daytona starts the 3rd week in Feb. :yes:

Check the schedule, the 3rd week in Feb is Race week and the first week in March is usually Bike week, then it gets really busy.

The beach is pretty cool for passengers but as PIC you'll be seeing and avoiding full time. Banner planes down low and lots of transiting traffic on V3.

Canaveral is cool. "It depends" is the only answer as to it's accessibly, usually, it's no problem but when they have a launch it's TFR'ed out.

Consider Ormond Beach too, more laid back but pretty close.

The local CFI are pretty familiar, and should be on top of things.

Have fun!
Get a good CFI you'll truly enjoy the experience .Datona approach ,is a pleasure to work with. If your going to ride the beach put your head on a swivel,remember you are in a high traffic area for training.
Sounds good... I'll try to be scheduled for 8 am, hopefully airborne somewhere around 8:30-9am, back on earth before 11.

Thanks for the traffic tips, I should have considered that I'm not the only one who would find that flight appealing... and I didn't notice the airway there either.

Running a low approach over the Cape runway was awesome and would highly recommend it.

I don't get that... are you talking about KXMR?

Isn't that a private use, military airport? They let you do a low approach? Can I low-approach runway 15/33 at the shuttle landing facility airport too? :)
Sounds good... I'll try to be scheduled for 8 am, hopefully airborne somewhere around 8:30-9am, back on earth before 11.

Thanks for the traffic tips, I should have considered that I'm not the only one who would find that flight appealing... and I didn't notice the airway there either.

I don't get that... are you talking about KXMR?

Isn't that a private use, military airport? They let you do a low approach? Can I low-approach runway 15/33 at the shuttle landing facility airport too? :)

You can do a low approach to the Shuttle landing strip... All the way down with out actually touching down...

Early morning is a great plan for your scenic...

Do the beach tour and look down into the water just next to the beach.. You will freak out at all the sharks you will see swimming...:yikes::yikes:
You can do a low approach to the Shuttle landing strip... All the way down with out actually touching down...

Early morning is a great plan for your scenic...

Do the beach tour and look down into the water just next to the beach.. You will freak out at all the sharks you will see swimming...:yikes::yikes:

thank you!

OK now I'm DEFINITELY not going in the ocean. You can call me a wuss all you want. After you said that about the sharks, I googled... that area is the #1 shark attack area in the WORLD, by a long shot! New Smyrna Beach is just south of Daytona Beach. They say if you've swam there, you've swam within 10 feet of a shark.

I'm from MN. You come up here, I'll take you out on frozen lakes. That freaks some people out (they can make crazy sounds, sometimes even freaks me out a little). I have ridden a dirt bike with studs on the tires on a lake with 3 inches of ice on it.

I will not go in the ocean in shark-infested waters. I'm sorry. Being raised in MN, and part of the "Jaws" generation, I do not have a comfort with ocean creatures. We have lakes. Nothing bites our arms off up here!